Lyon President Aulas writes long, open letter to the French government to fight for Ligue 1 return

Lyon President Jean-Michel Aulas has written a detailed, open letter to the French government, imploring them to allow for the 2019/20 Ligue 1 season to be completed.

“Mr Prime Minister, Mme Minister for Sports, the 2nd of June will allow for us to arrange the end of quarantine, to streamline all practical matters, horse races or for the municipal elections. Lots of changes and hopes are anticipated at this date so that France can return to the right dynamic. Can you imagine if the 2nd June could also be a formidable opportunity to rectify the mistake concerning French football and allow for, with a health protocol implemented throughout, to give us the chance to return progressively to training, and, why not, to return to league activity for 2019/20 in July and August as previously suggested by UEFA since 21st April and since confirmed by Aleksandr Ceferin via letter on 14th May?”


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