SAK-TC275T-64F200WDC:32-Bit Single-Chip Micocontroller.
PORST (input) active means that the reset is held active by external agents by pulling the PORST pin low. It is recommended to keep the PORST (input) asserted until the external supply is above the respective primary reset threshold.
SAK-TC275T-64F200WDC Infineon Electronic Components Description
The current consumption of the 1.3 V rail compose out of two parts:
-Static current consumption
-Dynamic current consumption
The static current consumption is related to the device temperature TJ and the dynamic current consumption
depends of the configured clocking frequencies and the software application executed. These two parts needs to be added in order to get the rail current consumption.
2.Product Features
Main product features
High Performance Microcontroller with three CPU cores
Versatile Successive Approximation ADC
Digital programmable I/O ports
Clock Generation Unit with System PLL and Flexray PLL
Keyword: electronics supplier