Vape UK 50/50 Virginia Tobacco


Vape UK 50/50 Virginia Tobacco is a strong and robust e-liquid, perfect for afficionados seeking the earthy and smoky notes of lightly toasted tobacco.
Explore Vape UK’s very own e-liquid range that’s jam-packed in flavour and compatible with your vape kit, including our Nic Salt series.


  • Flavours: Tobacco
  • Nicotine Type: Freebase
  • Bottle Size: 10ml
  • Nicotine Strength: 3mg, 6mg, 12mg, and 18mg
  • VG/PG Ratio: 50/50
  • Vaping Style: MTL
  • Easy Fill Nozzle
  • Childproof Cap

Vape UK is committed to manufacturing e-liquids with exquisite, natural flavours to help you make that transition from cigarettes to vaping. If you’re a heavy smoker, our 50/50 Freebase is perfect for offering that similar experience to traditional cigarettes with multiple flavour choices such as tobacco, fruity, menthol and dessert.

Freebase nicotine is the purest form of nicotine, offering a stronger and immediate throat hit similar to how cigarettes deliver nicotine. In contrast, nicotine salts are naturally occurring and generally provide a familiar satisfaction while being enjoyed for their smoother throat hit.

At Vape UK, we believe it is essential to offer affordable e-liquids using the finest natural ingredients through high-calibre manufacturing. Our e-liquids are manufactured and sourced in a state-of-the-art facility right here on England’s South Coast.

Since it’s blended in a 50/50 VG/PG ratio, Vape UK’s Nic Salt e-liquids are best used with Vape Starter Kits (Mouth to Lung) and Pod Vape Kits.

Are you new and trying out vaping for the first time? You should check out our beginners’ guide, where we simplify vaping to its fundamentals and explain the benefits of switching to your first vape kit.

Abdoul Razzagui Camara interesting Lille & St Étienne

According to L’Équipe, Ligue 1 sides Lille and St Étienne are interested in Angers’ tricky winger Abdoul Razzagui Camara.

The 25 year old is currently locked in contract extension negotiations with Angers with his current deal expiring at the end of the season.

As a result of his unstable contract situation, several clubs have manifested their interest in the player. In Ligue 1, St Étienne and Lille have made in known to the player’s representatives that they are interested in signing him.

As have, according to the report, three sides from England: Derby County, Wolves and Premier League side Watford.

Camara will undoubtedly be one of the Ligue 1 players with a more complicated January.

Lucien Favre contacted by Lyon

According to our colleagues at Téléfoot, Lyon representatives have contacted former Gladbach manager Lucien Favre about possibly replacing Hubert Fournier as manager.

Swiss journalist Arnaud Cerutti of La Tribune de Genève reports that Favre is very interested in Lyon’s project and has already rejected offers from Swansea and Galatasaray.

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Nicolas Douchez pays visit to unnamed Premier League club

According to L’Équipe, PSG’s third choice goalkeeper Nicolas Douchez yesterday paid a visit to an unspecified Premier League club to look at their facilities, as they are looking to sign an experienced goalkeeper during the January transfer window.

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It remains to be seen whether or not PSG will allow the player to leave, especially because Salvatore Sirigu might also seek a move away next month, which would then leave PSG with just one recognised goalkeeper in Kevin Trapp.


市面上有很多文章教你如何创建博客并使它壮大,但关于如何恰当地关闭博客的文章却很少。 关闭博客可能有很多原因,可能你的博客所谈论的话题开始沉寂,可能你对博客不再有兴趣,也可能你只是不再有多余的时间来管理博客。 在本文中我将告诉你一些关闭博客的最佳技巧。 文章中会用到一些WordPress的特殊插件或工具。 如果你的操作平台不是WordPress,也可以调整下面的方法来满足你的需要。


第一个需要注意的问题就是,你是要“彻底”关闭博客,还是只是暂时性休整。 如果你仅仅是暂时性关闭,这就要为下次重新开办留条后路,你也不希望所有的博客日志就这样悄无声息的消失吧。 有一个办法是逐渐降低日志的发表频率,相比于之前的发表规律,可以先计划每月只写一两篇日志。 这样博客既能被搜索引擎既检索到,又避免博客被闲置。 你不必亲自撰写日志,可以买一个发表日志的软件。 博文每200至400字只要7至10美元,这是一笔很小的开支。


如果你有大批读者,出于礼貌,你要让他们知道你以后可能不再频繁地发表日志,或者你要将博客彻底关闭了。 这么做的问题就是,这些读者可能会将你的博客从feed中删除,以后想恢复博客就更难了。 你也可以将读者加入邮件发送清单,这样你决定重新开办博客时就有办法通知他们了。


如果你的博客有多个作者,应该在降低他们的许可级别。 将每个人(除了你自己)的角色设定为“贡献者”或“订阅者”。 这样可以防止其他人继续在你的博客上发表文章。 下一步需要取消新用户注册的权利,不让未授权的人进入你的WordPress后端,这是一个比较好的安全策略。 在WordPress 2.7中这一功能在admin panel>settings>general settings screen中,请确定“anyone can register”复选框没有被选中。 在这个选项下将默认新用户的身份设为订阅者也是一个好办法,以避免意外出错时新用户仍能注册。


博客开通90秒后你就有机会见识到博客垃圾了。 希望你已经安装了akismet或bad behavior等插件来帮助你关闭垃圾评论。 还有trackback垃圾也让人烦恼,可以安装一个简单的trackback spam插件或完全禁用trackback. 要完全封闭之前的文章,你可以使用close old posts插件,这款插件会阻止读者对你指定时间之前的文章进行评论。


WordPress上有大量的备份插件。我比较喜欢simple wordpress backups,通过这款插件可以将整个数据库备份到文件中,或将备份发送到自己的电子邮箱。 我还喜欢站外备份,给自己发送一份备份,放在我的gmail账户中。 你也应该将模板文件夹备份并上传(即使不关闭博客)。 当主机账号运行出错时这些备份可以为你提供一些保障。


可能此后你的博客发表频率会降低很多,或者不再发表,这时你可能会对你的盈利计划更有兴趣。 如果你使用的是AdSense,可以将它放置在模板内更“醒目”的地方,这样在日志的开始部分就可以得到很高的点击率。 也可以考虑广告赞助,如果能在博客中获取更多利润,广告商也愿意付出更多。 可能的话可以达成长期交易。


在另一篇文章中WordPress的劣势我提到,网站维护是WordPress消极影响中的最主要问题。 如果你不喜欢写博客,可能就没有更新博客的动力,这样就为黑客从事破坏活动提供了无数机会。 尽可能删除或禁用那些非必要插件。 博客关闭前请先确认所有内容都已经更新。 即使以后你可能还会回来给博客升级,但最好保护博客免于黑客攻击。 如果110%确定不再回到博客,你可以使用像HTTracks这样的网站下载器,制作一份博客的平面文件HTML副本,并将它上传,这样就可以不再担心更新问题。 如果你没有110%的确定,最好先保留一份数据库备份:-)


如果盈利方式足以支付主机和注册费用,你可以使博客永久运行下去。 停止使用平面文件解决方案一年后,你就不需要在网站上在浪费任何时间了。 如果博客不能收回成本,或者不想草率收场,你也可以考虑卖掉自己的域名。 出售域名时可以联系纵向市场上的博客写手。 如果你的域名有稳定访问量,有各种链接,并且你愿意将博客内容的版权一并出售,潜在买家可能更有兴趣。

原文:How to Shut Down A Blog




标签:关闭博客, 博客写作

Shanghai YININ will attend 2021 Oct China Bearing & Power Transmission Online Expo

We are pleased to announce we will attend 2021 Oct CnBearing (China Bearing & Power Transmission) Online Expo ,which is going to take place on Oct.11-15,2021. We will exhibit all our new products and live broadcast our new factory etc at that time. Look forward to meeting all new and old customers at that time.

Shanghai YININ Imp.,& Exp.,Co.,Ltd has been dealing with bearings and related parts for over 17 years which has been 12 years BearingNet Premium member with fabulous honor and credit list.The company provides one-stop service for customers, and the it has four companies for running bearing business:Shanghai YININ Imp.,& Exp.,Co.,Ltd ( marketing center), founded in 2004; CiXi YININ QC center (separate QC Center), founded in 2008; Shanghai YININ Bearing & Transmission Company (mainly produce and export kinds of ball bearings), founded in 2010 and JiangSu DaHua Bearing Manufacturing Company (produce roller bearing & QC center & warehouse), founded in 2011.

The company focuses on providing the best solutions for users. Besides meeting Chinas needs, products are exported to other countries in great numbers each year, partners from states of Holland, UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand, UAE, Poland, South Korea, India, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, Canada, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Kazakhstan, South Africa, Kenya, Sudan, Libya, etc. Core products including ball bearings, roller bearings, automotive bearings and special bearings in chrome steel and stainless steel bearings. With constant innovation, hard work, and excellence, the business has been expanding both at home and abroad. With participation in the expo, more good business opportunities will be created for the company.

Contact ShangHai YiNin Bearing:

Shanghai Yinnin Bearing & Transmission Company

Shanghai Yinin Imp.,& Exp.,Co.,Ltd

Jiangsu DaHua Bearing manufacturing Company

Office Add: 9F05, NO.2123, PuDong AVE, PuDong, Shanghai, P.R.China

Factory Add: HuangXu Industrial Area, DanTu, ZhenJiang city, JiangSu Province, China

Tel:+8621-68551627/ 58850072/ 58850107


Email: [email protected]

Watford interested in Paul Bernardoni

According to RMC, Premier League side Watford are interested in ESTAC Troyes’ goalkeeper Paul Bernardoni.

The 18 year old shot-stopper has been a revelation so far this season, displacing the more experienced Denis Petric from the number one spot for the Ligue 1 strugglers.

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ESTAC Troyes need funds and a considerable offer will be more than enough to prise the player away, should Watford decide to move as soon as this month.

Synthesis of α-Amino Acid Derivatives and Peptides via Enantios

Synthesis of α-Amino Acid Derivatives and Peptides via Enantioselective Addition of Masked Acyl Cyanides to Imines

Kin S. Yang and Viresh H. Rawal, J. Am. Chem. Soc., Article ASAP DOI: 10.1021/ja510135t  Publication Date (Web): November 4, 2014                     Copyright © 2014 American Chemical Society

A general, asymmetric synthesis of amino acid derivatives is reported. Masked acyl cyanide (MAC) reagents are shown to be effective umpolung synthons for enantioselective additions to N-Boc-aldimines. The reactions are catalyzed by a modified cinchona alkaloid, which can function as a bifunctional, hydrogen bonding catalyst, and afford adducts in excellent yields (90–98%) and high enantioselectivities (up to 97.5:2.5 er). Unmasking the addition products gives acyl cyanide intermediates that are intercepted by a variety of nucleophiles to afford α-amino acid derivatives. Notably, the methodology provides an alternative method for peptide bond formation.