中醫養生如何改善睡眠質量?— 探討有效的中藥和生活方式調整方法


中醫養生如何改善睡眠質量?本文探討有效的中藥和生活方式調整方法,讓你找回好眠。 歸納要點:

  • 中醫養生透過經絡暢通與陰陽調和,改善氣血運行不暢的睡眠障礙。
  • 多種中藥材如酸棗仁、茯苓、百合等具有安神定志的功效,有助於失眠患者。
  • 規律作息和舒適的睡眠環境是提升睡眠質量的重要生活方式調整。







  • 須注意事項 :
    • 中醫養生和中藥的助眠療法可能因個體差異而效果不一,難以保證對每個人都有效,這使得療效評估較為困難。
    • 現代科學研究對於某些中藥成分的長期安全性尚未有足夠證據支持,可能存在未知的副作用或風險。
    • 調整生活方式雖然能改善睡眠質量,但需要長時間堅持並且改變習慣,對於部分缺乏自律的人來說執行起來具有挑戰性。
  • 大環境可能影響:
    • 市場上充斥著各類標榜天然療法的產品,其品質參次不齊,消費者容易購買到劣質甚至偽劣品,引發健康問題。
    • 西方醫學界對中醫理論和方法仍存有爭議,如此會影響其在全球範圍內被廣泛接受及應用,中西合璧策略推進困難重重。
    • 由於現代人生活節奏快、壓力大,即便採用了多種助眠方法,也可能因為環境因素導致效果減弱,使得整體解決方案無法達到預期目標。



**1. 人參:補氣健脾、安神助眠**


**2. 酸棗仁:養心安神、促進睡眠**

酸棗仁是傳統中醫用來治療失眠的常見藥材。其有效成分,如皂苷和黃酮,可以養心安神,鎮靜催眠。現代研究也發現酸棗仁總皂苷能抑制中樞神經興奮,增加 GABA 神經遞質釋放,有效促進睡眠。

**3. 茯苓:健脾安神、改善睡眠質量**





  • 1. 良好的睡眠習慣對健康非常重要,保持規律的作息時間有助於穩定生物節律。
  • 2. 睡眠期間,身體會進行組織修復、強化免疫系統並促進細胞再生。
  • 3. 適度運動有助於改善失眠問題,但應盡量選擇白天運動以增加疲勞感,提高睡眠品質。
  • 4. 中醫提倡飲食療法和養生茶飲來輔助改善睡眠品質,例如安神降火的中藥茶飲。
  • 5. 曬太陽30分鐘可以控制褪黑激素的分泌,有助於晚上自然產生睡意。
  • 6. 穴位按摩可幫助安神降火,提升整體睡眠質量。



結論 具體建議 最新趨勢 權威觀點 1. 良好的睡眠習慣對健康非常重要,保持規律的作息時間有助於穩定生物節律。 制定固定的就寢和起床時間,即使在週末也遵守,避免白天小睡過久。 近期研究顯示,使用智能手錶或睡眠追蹤器監控睡眠質量,可以幫助調整作息。 美國國家睡眠基金會(NSF)建議成年人每天應該獲得7-9小時的優質睡眠。 2. 睡眠期間,身體會進行組織修復、強化免疫系統並促進細胞再生。 確保卧室環境舒適,避免光線和噪音干擾。如必要可使用眼罩和耳塞。 根據2023年的一項研究,深度睡眠階段對免疫系統功能至關重要,因此提高深度睡眠比例成為焦點。 哈佛大學醫學院指出,良好的夜間休息可以顯著提升免疫力,有效預防疾病。 3. 適度運動有助於改善失眠問題,但應盡量選擇白天運動以增加疲勞感,提高睡眠品質。 每日至少進行30分鐘中等強度運動,如快走或瑜伽,但避免臨近就寝前運動。 現代人更傾向於在午後到晚飯前這段時間進行運動,以不影響晚間入睡。 美國心臟協會(AHA)表示,每週150分鐘的中等強度有氧運動能顯著改善整體健康狀況,包括提升睡眠質量。 4. 中醫提倡飲食療法和養生茶飲來輔助改善睡眠品質,例如安神降火的中藥茶飲。 可嘗試服用含有酸棗仁、百合、龍眼肉等成分的中藥茶飲,有助於鎮靜情緒,提高入睡速度。 市面上越來越多針對失眠問題設計的天然茶飲產品興起,其中以草本配方最受歡迎。 中國傳統醫學理論認為,中藥調理與日常生活相結合,可以從根本上改善失眠症狀,提高生活質量。 5. 曬太陽30分鐘可以控制褪黑激素的分泌,有助於晚上自然產生睡意。 早晨曬太陽或使用人工光源燈箱模擬自然光照射,可有效調節生物鐘與褪黑激素分泌平衡。 隨著科技進步,人造光療設備在居家應用愈發普遍,被推薦用于冬季日照不足時使用以減少季節性情緒障礙影響 梅約診所指出,每日適當接受自然陽光照射,不僅能夠促進維他命D生成,更利于保持心理健康和平衡荷爾蒙水平。 6. 穴位按摩可幫助安神降火,提升整體睡眠質量。 重點按摩內關穴、神門穴及湧泉穴,每次不少於15分鐘,有效紓解壓力並放鬆身心 隨著智能穿戴設備發展,自我按摩器材逐漸普及,使得居家自我保健變得更加便捷高效 世界衛生組織(WHO)報告指出,中醫針灸與推拿療法在治療失眠除外,也被廣泛證實具有改善慢性疼痛与焦虑症状之功效






Keyword: 裝修

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MK Chemicals with new management and owners

The pigment paste manufacturer MK Chemicals from Bockenem, Germany, is under new management.

Since 1 October 2021 the MK Chemicals GmbH has a new management and ownership. Andreas Gramann and Dr. Bohdan Snovydovych are the new managing directors and are also taking over the company shares.

MK Chemicals has been founded in 1990 by Manfred Gawol and Klaus Jahnel and is known for high quality pigment pastes. Sarah Spur, daughter of the founder Manfred Gawol, will continue her work as authorised signatory.

Customer specific pigment pastes

The company produces customer specific pigment pastes for paints, inks and plastic, as well as for paper and leatherware products. The company also offers contract manufacturing on request.

Laurent Blanc confirms the signing of Layvin Kurzawa

PSG manager Laurent Blanc has announced the signing of AS Monaco left-back Layvin Kurzawa in an interview with France Bleu.

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“It was a difficult deal because Monaco is one of PSG’s main rivals in the title race, and I thank all of the club representatives for bringing him this transfer. He is a very good player, a youngster with interesting potential.”

パネライRadiomir 1940シリーズ動貯水二つのタイムゾーンの腕時計品鉴

自1940年から、オフィチーネ・パネライRADIOMIR 1940シリーズが始まったその時計創作歳月。デザイン的には常に革新が、枕型のケースは、明らかな表耳デザインや表冠などのシリーズの経典元素続いて形成し、このシリーズの一番の魅力の鮮やかな特色。旺盛なファンもブランドは大きく、スタイリッシュな感じに引き込まれ、生来の軍人ハードボイルドスタイルは人を超し。設計上の育成に属するオフィチーネ・パネライの伝奇時代。今年、以下に新しいのRADIOMIR 1940シリーズ再出発、伝承のブランドのシリーズの伝統的な特色を持って現代男性の審美の傾向にあり、作っているだけのオフィチーネ・パネライRadiomir 1940シリーズ動貯水二つのタイムゾーンの腕時計。(腕時計のモデル:PAM00658)http://copy2017.com/list/30


第一項RADIOMIR 1940オフィチーネ・パネライ時計

1940年、イタリアロイヤル海軍にオフィチーネ・パネライに新たな挑戦に耐えなければならないことができる:水の下で最悪の条件の長期の試練。これは腕時計はきわめて強い抗疲労性を備えなければならない。この点の要求に基づいて、1つの新しい表項が生まれ、それは第一項RADIOMIR 1940オフィチーネ・パネライ時計。一体鋳造と2つのブランドの補強表耳技術、完全に満足した軍への製造需要オフィチーネ・パネライ時計。そしてオフィチーネ・パネライRadiomir 1940シリーズ動貯水二つのタイムゾーンの腕時計のケースデザインは、忠実で現れオフィチーネ・パネライ1940年代をイタリア海軍突撃隊デザインのこの経典表項。
















Metro – Clear Glass Candle Jar with Lid 280-300ml

A brilliant clear glass candle jar to showcase your creations. Our High-Quality Metro Glass  Jars with Lids are from a new supplier. The quality is exceptional and comparable with Libbey glassware.

This is a very strong, thick glass jar and complies with ASTM 2179 AND 2147 testing methods. (Ensures glass is able to withstand heat and has no cracks or fractures)

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Usage of heavy metal-free compounds in surface coatings


A new review article attempts to present a synopsis of the history of coatings composition, impact of the heavy metals on health and environment, and the options available for shifting to safer coating composition.

Coatings have been used since time immemorial for decorative and protective purposes. During the initial periods, when not much information was available regarding the health impact of the raw materials, there was no thought given or restrictions put on use of any ingredients in coatings. Some of the raw materials like white lead (lead carbonate), red lead (lead oxide), hexavalent chromium compounds, and other similar compounds were being used in large quantities to get specific paint film properties. This not only affected human health but also with no effective effluent treatment contaminated soil and water resources. With progress in technology and diagnostics, lead and chromium compounds have been identified as carcinogens. The developed countries (Europe and USA) were the first to ban the use of lead in their products in the 1970s and 1980s, but due to mainly economic reasons, these are still being used in the developing countries.

Major focus of the world on lead elimination

As the long-term health impact is too much to bear, regulations/legislations have been enacted by the governments restricting use of lead/chrome in paints. The Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint (GAELP), a joint association formed under the United Nations Environment programme, and World Health Organization have agreed to phase out manufacture and sale of paints containing lead by 2020. Similar restrictions exist for many other compounds used in coatings. A new article attempts to present a synopsis of the history of coatings composition, impact of the heavy metals on health and environment, and the options available for shifting to safer coating composition. As major focus of the world is on lead elimination, it has been covered in more detail, but the article also provides information on other metals, namely cadmium, chromium, mercury, arsenic, antimony, tin, nickel, manganese, cobalt, etc., and their current status.

The review has been published in Journal of Coatings Technology and Research Volume 20, Issue 1, January 2023.

Sizing and selecting bearings with software in 2020

By Travis Shive | Analytical Tools Expert • SKF USA Inc.

Bearings are a fundamental part of any machine — which is why the design of their moving elements can mean the difference between an efficient machine and one that continually wears out and breaks down. So now, some manufacturers offer bearing-simulation software tools to support everything from from entry-level design to complex machine designs necessitating internal analysis.

One engineer-facing software lets designers analyze single-shaft designs. This lets design engineers use the software themselves to modify the machine-axis shaft to existing dimensions … and then adjust the bearing arrangement and surrounding gears and spring spacers as well as other components nearby in the assembly. Engineers can then assess the performance of variations on a given design to predict bearing subsurface fatigue life as well as possible performance conditions that could spur a premature end of bearing life. Such software can warn of surface damage that may go unaccounted when bearing-life calculations are based on traditional catalog-calculation methods.

Such entry-level bearing-design software is relatively straightforward and easy to use … in some cases, with a drag-and-drop interface for adding in components. Such design software also lets users see bearing inner and outer-ring rotation as well as bearing stiffness represented in a matrix.

More sophisticated software goes beyond single-shaft equipment to let engineers build more complex models — such as multiple-shaft models to virtualize a gearbox series, for example. That in turn allows:

  • Analysis of how one shaft in the assembly can affect other shafts
  • Quantify the supporting properties of any housing in the assembly
  • Importation of any OEM or end-user CAD components into the software for more realistic design confirmation
  • Sophisticated thermal analyses to predict the temperatures of components during operation

Still more sophisticated are simulation services to help in bearing sizing and selection. These are services executed by the bearing manufacturer; such simulation generates more in-depth profiling than any software offered for engineers to use themselves. In many cases, the analysis of such programs yields in-depth information about micro-level contacts between the bearing rolling element and the rings — in addition to factors such as roller deflection and skewing. Bearing manufacturers can also supply detailed information about the cage that holds the bearing’s rolling elements — including the way in which the cage and the balls or rolling elements interact.

Value-add engineering support with software

Consider how an OEM might notice vibration in their system on after an initial machine build. Such OEMs can often measure the amplitude of vibration but not whether it’s acceptable for the bearings in the system. Here, a bearing manufacturer can intervene with software analysis — virtually applying the vibration the OEM measures to a digital twin of the design at the bearing’s outer ring. Next comes an investigation of how everything inside the bearing moving as a function of this vibration. One potential problem is the way the rolling elements impact the cage. The question ultimately becomes: Will the cage last? In this situation, cage examination to document force levels can yield a recommended vibration reduction for sufficiently long cage life and a longer machine-axis mean time before failure.

Software tools are changing how design engineering is done

Bearing simulation software offers benefits to engineers in a wide range of industries — including off-highway, pumps and systems, pulp and paper, automotive, wind, mining, and aerospace. Some of the advantages that come with using this software are that design engineers have more insight into (and control over) the finer details of a given  application … which can help them optimize their bearing selections.

Design engineering software also lets OEMs and end users work more quickly and with more power in their hands. It cuts down the amount of time spent in testing, which in turn reduces development expenses. With software, a design engineer might devise four different designs — and then simply identify which one is the most economical with the best technical attributes.

Consider a manufacturer of high-end textile machinery. Here, the objective might be to design bearing arrangements that help increase machine speed and accuracy. The bearing running accuracy is critical … software can help such OEMs quicken their design process while evaluating optimal bearing arrangements without external help.

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