Nicolas Douchez pays visit to unnamed Premier League club

According to L’Équipe, PSG’s third choice goalkeeper Nicolas Douchez yesterday paid a visit to an unspecified Premier League club to look at their facilities, as they are looking to sign an experienced goalkeeper during the January transfer window.

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It remains to be seen whether or not PSG will allow the player to leave, especially because Salvatore Sirigu might also seek a move away next month, which would then leave PSG with just one recognised goalkeeper in Kevin Trapp.

Shanghai YININ will attend 2021 Oct China Bearing & Power Transmission Online Expo

We are pleased to announce we will attend 2021 Oct CnBearing (China Bearing & Power Transmission) Online Expo ,which is going to take place on Oct.11-15,2021. We will exhibit all our new products and live broadcast our new factory etc at that time. Look forward to meeting all new and old customers at that time.

Shanghai YININ Imp.,& Exp.,Co.,Ltd has been dealing with bearings and related parts for over 17 years which has been 12 years BearingNet Premium member with fabulous honor and credit list.The company provides one-stop service for customers, and the it has four companies for running bearing business:Shanghai YININ Imp.,& Exp.,Co.,Ltd ( marketing center), founded in 2004; CiXi YININ QC center (separate QC Center), founded in 2008; Shanghai YININ Bearing & Transmission Company (mainly produce and export kinds of ball bearings), founded in 2010 and JiangSu DaHua Bearing Manufacturing Company (produce roller bearing & QC center & warehouse), founded in 2011.

The company focuses on providing the best solutions for users. Besides meeting Chinas needs, products are exported to other countries in great numbers each year, partners from states of Holland, UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand, UAE, Poland, South Korea, India, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, Canada, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Kazakhstan, South Africa, Kenya, Sudan, Libya, etc. Core products including ball bearings, roller bearings, automotive bearings and special bearings in chrome steel and stainless steel bearings. With constant innovation, hard work, and excellence, the business has been expanding both at home and abroad. With participation in the expo, more good business opportunities will be created for the company.

Contact ShangHai YiNin Bearing:

Shanghai Yinnin Bearing & Transmission Company

Shanghai Yinin Imp.,& Exp.,Co.,Ltd

Jiangsu DaHua Bearing manufacturing Company

Office Add: 9F05, NO.2123, PuDong AVE, PuDong, Shanghai, P.R.China

Factory Add: HuangXu Industrial Area, DanTu, ZhenJiang city, JiangSu Province, China

Tel:+8621-68551627/ 58850072/ 58850107




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在另一篇文章中WordPress的劣势我提到,网站维护是WordPress消极影响中的最主要问题。 如果你不喜欢写博客,可能就没有更新博客的动力,这样就为黑客从事破坏活动提供了无数机会。 尽可能删除或禁用那些非必要插件。 博客关闭前请先确认所有内容都已经更新。 即使以后你可能还会回来给博客升级,但最好保护博客免于黑客攻击。 如果110%确定不再回到博客,你可以使用像HTTracks这样的网站下载器,制作一份博客的平面文件HTML副本,并将它上传,这样就可以不再担心更新问题。 如果你没有110%的确定,最好先保留一份数据库备份:-)


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原文:How to Shut Down A Blog




标签:关闭博客, 博客写作

Watford interested in Paul Bernardoni

According to RMC, Premier League side Watford are interested in ESTAC Troyes’ goalkeeper Paul Bernardoni.

The 18 year old shot-stopper has been a revelation so far this season, displacing the more experienced Denis Petric from the number one spot for the Ligue 1 strugglers.

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ESTAC Troyes need funds and a considerable offer will be more than enough to prise the player away, should Watford decide to move as soon as this month.

Go Behind the Scenes of Zoe Saldana's Allure Cover Shoot

On the set of her second Allure cover shoot, photographed by Patrick Demarchelier in New York City, Saldana eagerly flipped through racks of crimson-colored sportswear. "I love red," she said. "It's my favorite color."

Midway through the day, Saldana's sister Cisely stopped by to watch the action. "I still get amazed when I see her up there doing her thing," she said, nodding at Saldana as she posed in a white beaded Balmain top. Off camera, the sisters sat side by side, giggling and chatting in rapid-fire English and Spanish.

The actress pushed through the day without a lunch break, stopping to eat only after the final photo was taken. "You need to try this—it's so good," she called to her sister between bites of salmon taco and grilled zucchini.

After changing back into her blouse and skinny jeans, Saldana headed to the studio's café to talk babies, powerful women, and a particularly controversial movie role with writer Sarah Van Bowen.


Saldana modeled several wigs throughout the day, but for the cover shot, hairstylist Garren meticulously flatironed the actress's long hair before smoothing on oil to keep it sleek and polished.


To give Saldana's shiny lips a sharp, clean line, makeup artist Diane Kendal traced the edges with nude lip liner, filled them in with matte red lipstick, and then layered on a generous coat of clear lip gloss. She blended sparkly brown shadow over the actress's lids, drew black liquid liner along her lash line, and swirled bronze-peach blush on her cheeks to finish.

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Saldana's look can be re-created with the following: Voluminous Butterfly Sculpt Mascara in Black, Voluminous Superstar Liquid Eyeliner in Black, Colour Riche Eye Shadow in Pain au Chocolat, True Match Lumi Powder Glow Illuminator in Rose, and Infallible Pro Matte Gloss in Shanghai Scarlet by L'Oréal Paris.

Watch Behind the Scenes Footage of Zoe Saldana's Cover Shoot

Synthesis of α-Amino Acid Derivatives and Peptides via Enantios

Synthesis of α-Amino Acid Derivatives and Peptides via Enantioselective Addition of Masked Acyl Cyanides to Imines

Kin S. Yang and Viresh H. Rawal, J. Am. Chem. Soc., Article ASAP DOI: 10.1021/ja510135t  Publication Date (Web): November 4, 2014                     Copyright © 2014 American Chemical Society

A general, asymmetric synthesis of amino acid derivatives is reported. Masked acyl cyanide (MAC) reagents are shown to be effective umpolung synthons for enantioselective additions to N-Boc-aldimines. The reactions are catalyzed by a modified cinchona alkaloid, which can function as a bifunctional, hydrogen bonding catalyst, and afford adducts in excellent yields (90–98%) and high enantioselectivities (up to 97.5:2.5 er). Unmasking the addition products gives acyl cyanide intermediates that are intercepted by a variety of nucleophiles to afford α-amino acid derivatives. Notably, the methodology provides an alternative method for peptide bond formation.

new bearing upgrade kit for the turbocharged engines

Canada’s Marsh Brothers Aviation (“Marsh Brothers”) has unveiled an innovative new bearing upgrade kit for the turbocharged engines on the Piper Aerostar aircraft.

Developed to boost bearing reliability and reduce replacement intervals, Marsh Brothers Aviation’s Aerostar Turbo Cross Shaft (TCS) Bearing Block Kit is the first upgrade solution to incorporate one of the company’s newest polymers, AeroTough HT (ATHT) – an engineered self-lubricating polymer developed specifically to withstand higher temperatures.

Incorporating all the key components required to replace the traditional turbo cross shaft bearings on the twin-engine, propeller-driven Piper Aerostar (formerly Ted Smith Aerostar) aircraft, the new kit has been demonstrated in extensive trials to provide a superior alternative to OEM parts.

The kit features the ATHT polymer bearing installed into an aluminum journal block (inboard/long and outboard/short) and also a high-strength stainless steel end shaft and upgraded OEM cross shaft, that screws into the main cross shaft across the engine. One TCS Block Kit is all that is needed for each engine, with no requirements for additional components, lubrication, or parts.

Replacing the original Inconel superalloy bearings in the aircraft’s engine bay, the Marsh Brothers’ self-lubricating ATHT bearings – each measuring approximately ¾-in. diameter (19mm) – has a dramatic impact in reducing maintenance demands, said Nicholas Choo-Son, Director Business Development for Marsh Brothers Aviation.

“The original application required replacing the bearings every 150 flight hours. Marsh Brothers Aviation operates an Aerostar and previously we were typically changing out the bearings every year,” he said. “Since we developed the ATHT bearings, our company aircraft has flown three times the previous replacement interval and the materials are showing no sign of distress.”

Each aircraft requires four bearings – two for each engine. The cross shaft mechanism in the Aerostar is not easily accessible for replacing the bearings, so maintenance costs can be high. Marsh Brothers carried out some time studies working with installers, which established that it takes four to six hours to replace the bearings on one engine.

“So, we are talking about one-and-a-half to two days to replace all the bearings,” said Choo-Son. “There is a big cost factor involved in that.”

“Having the opportunity to fly the Marsh Brothers’ own Aerostar aircraft for three years while fitted with the ATHT bearings has been valuable in terms of building confidence along with the engineering analysis,” said Choo-Son. “The product development period stretches back five to six years, to the early stages of developing the ATHT polymer.”

Marsh Brothers has secured Transport Canada, FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), and EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) approval for the Aerostar TCS Bearing Block Kit. The new product is configured to integrate with the upgraded cross shaft P/N 300035-527 with removable end shafts.

A high level of interest in the new TCS Block Kit is expected from pilots, owners, maintenance shops, and Aerostar fleet operators. Four other Aerostar owners have already trialed the new product and become early adopters.

Jimmy Mullen of Mullens Aviation, who installed the new kit in his 1980 601P N601DJ Aerostar in July 2021, said: “These self-lubricating polymer bearings have saved time and money. The bearings last at least three times longer than the OEM metal bearings, significantly reducing aircraft lifecycle maintenance costs. The performance is excellent and they were very simple to install, taking far less time to replace.”

The new TCS Bearing Block Kit is Marsh Brothers Aviation’s first cross-shaft application for an aircraft. Marsh Brothers is exploring other aircraft applications for this new engineered self-lubricating polymer material.

Marsh Brothers Aviation

Sunderland re-enter negotiations for Lamine Koné

According to L’Équipe, Premier League strugglers Sunderland have re-entered negotiations with Lorient for the transfer of Lamine Koné, a player who was due to join them at the beginning of the transfer window only for the Black Cats to call the move off.

Everything had been agreed before the January transfer window opened and Koné even went to England for a medical, but Sunderland pulled out of the deal at the last minute by changing certain clauses in Koné’s proposed contact which they knew he would not accept.

Well, talks have restarted between the two clubs and a move is now back on as a possibility during this transfer window.

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