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API 如何促进数据驱动新闻和新闻 SEO
API 在新闻和媒体领域发挥着变革性的作用。API 可以快速访问大量数据,阐明新闻故事,增强长期 SEO,并促进实时报道。让我们探索一下这个三个字母的缩写背后的含义,以及如何在媒体组织中利用它的力量。
记者们不断寻找创新方法来提升报道质量,并通过吸引人的故事来抓住读者的眼球。借助 API,他们能够更轻松地访问大量可用于丰富报道的数据源。API 让记者可以获取实时信息、追踪趋势、整理统计数据以及发掘具有新闻价值的故事。
以微软的 Azure AI Vision API 为例,它提供了对先进图像处理算法的访问权限,能够为政治事件和公众人物提供独特的洞察。Periscopic 就曾使用这一 API 来分析唐纳德·特朗普在重大演讲期间的面部表情。
另一个很好的例子是Spotify API,它提供对 Spotify 内容元数据和目录信息的访问,包括专辑、播放列表、艺术家等。利用这个 API,BBC 英格兰数据部门的数据记者 Paul Bradshaw 获得了有关流派、受欢迎程度和相关艺术家的数据,并创建了一份关于音乐节性别平衡的报告。
使用Google 地图距离矩阵 API,Paul 还收集了火车路线距离的数据,并收集了有关英国最昂贵火车票的故事的见解。
DataForSEO 的 API 为您的报道和叙述方式提供了更多可能。例如:
➤ DataForSEO Trends API 能够帮助记者识别那些越来越受关注的环境议题。结合来自 Yelp 和 Trustpilot 等平台的评论 API 的见解,您可以收集公众对于某些本地企业在可持续发展方面的努力的看法。
➤ 内容分析 API 可以在可持续性和气候变化的大背景下提供品牌提及的数据,帮助记者从网络上获得更多公众对这些企业的看法洞察。
➤ DataForSEO Labs API 和 Keyword Data API 能够访问多个地点的搜索查询和结果数据。记者可以通过检查与网购、远程工作及心理健康相关的关键词搜索量——例如,在 COVID-19 大流行期间——来分析消费者兴趣和行为的变化。
API 在数据驱动新闻中的潜在应用几乎只受限于我们的想象力。API 快速访问各种数据集和高级功能的能力使其成为记者完善报道并提供更全面视角的理想工具。此外,API 还能帮助新闻机构确保其重要的报道能够覆盖更广大的受众群体,这本身就是一个值得单独讨论的话题。
在数字媒体行业中,出版商的主要流量来源是搜索引擎结果页。为了确保在搜索引擎中的持续成功并吸引更多读者,媒体机构的编辑和技术团队都需要在 SEO 上保持警觉。
正如我们在之前关于新闻 SEO 的文章中讨论过的那样,谷歌的初始索引在很大程度上决定了文章是否能进入备受瞩目的热门故事——即所谓的新闻框——这一特性为新闻网站带来了大量流量。因此,文章在发布时必须尽可能地进行优化。此外,自从谷歌在 2018 年更新了 EAT 指南以来,在特定主题上建立权威对于在相关关键字中获得良好的排名至关重要。2023 年,谷歌还推出了一种专门的‘主题权威’搜索系统,该系统影响谷歌搜索和新闻排名,有助于呈现更加相关和专业的内容。
这一切都突显了制定长期且可靠的 SEO 策略以实现持续搜索可见性的必要性,而这也需要可靠的工具支持。在这种情况下,API 提供了一种高效且灵活的方法来获取优化和分析网站性能所需的数据。在本部分中,我们将深入探讨 API 如何提供见解和工具来:
技术 SEO
面对现实吧:谷歌对新闻网站有多项技术要求和指导原则,使得技术 SEO 成为了优化策略不可或缺的一部分。这里的目标是简化读者的网站导航,并确保搜索引擎可以轻松抓取、索引和排名您的内容(目标是简化用户的网站导航体验,并确保搜索引擎能够轻松抓取、索引并排名您的内容)。这是通过改善网站架构、页面速度和网站的其他技术方面来实现的(这可以通过改进网站架构、页面加载速度和其他技术要素来实现)。
为了加强这些优化工作,出版商可以使用 DataForSEO 的 On-Page API。这款可定制的抓取引擎允许您按需进行全面的技术 SEO 审计。您可以使用它执行以下操作:
分析网站的技术性能,比如页面加载时间、移动设备友好度和可访问性。 发现断链、重复内容和服务器错误。审查 URL 结构、XML 站点地图、规范标签、<h1> 标签等。
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通过使用 On-Page API 监控网站运行状况,媒体机构的 SEO 团队可以更有效地实施技术增强,最终提高网站搜索可见性和用户体验。顺便说一句,请随时阅读我们之前关于使用 On-Page API 测量核心 Web 生命力和其他用户体验指标的文章。
使用 API 简化关键字研究和内容优化 关键词研究是新闻内容有效 SEO 策略的另一关键部分。此过程涉及识别和分析人们通过 Google 和 Bing 等搜索引擎发现新闻和文章时使用的术语和短语。为了在 Google 的热门故事功能中获得良好排名,在 <h1>
借助 API,新闻 SEO 和媒体机构可以利用大量关键字数据集,并为相关文章编制高价值术语列表。让我们来探索一下您可以使用 DataForSEO API 进行关键字研究的一些方法。
搜索量、每次点击费用、竞争、关键字难度、搜索意图等,根据准确且最新的指标生成相关的关键字建议。 使用 Google 自动完成 API 编制竞争力较低的长尾关键词列表。 使用 DataForSEO Trends API 按子区域、年龄和性别探索关键字受欢迎程度,以根据特定位置和人口统计数据定制内容。 使用 DataForSEO Labs API 了解关键字竞争情况并分析竞争对手的知名度。 为了最大限度地提高文章的效果,优化内容本身也至关重要。搜索引擎优化的内容往往排名更高,从搜索中获得更多流量,同时也为读者提供更好的体验。您无需手动校对和优化每篇文章(这可能很耗时),而是可以依靠 API 来自动执行关键的编辑和内容优化任务。
DataForSEO 内容生成 API 提供了一系列针对内容优化的强大功能。例如,您可以使用它来:
自动生成元标记以提高搜索可见性。 使用文本摘要立即查看可读性分析数据。 生成子主题来丰富您的内容。 改写内容以增强其原创性。 检查语法以确保您的文章经过精心润色。 通过依赖这些 API 解决方案,您的媒体可以增强和扩展关键字研究工作,同时提高内容的可发现性和可读性。
使用 API 通过反向链接和品牌提及建立权威 知名度和权威性是 Google 新闻排名的关键因素。据 Google 称,例如最先报道新闻的出版商被其他出版商引用的情况,以了解出版物在某个主题上的影响力和权威性。”引用或提及您的文章的超链接成为新闻出版商长期 SEO 策略的基石之一。
超过 2.9 万亿个有效反向链接中获取高质量数据。具体来说,Backlinks API 可以在几个关键领域为发布商提供帮助:
分析反向链接配置文件、锚文本分布和引用网站的域名权限。 识别并删除低质量和垃圾反向链接。 检测内容重复并识别反向链接竞争对手。 发现新的链接建设机会和权威网站。 探索历史数据并监控当前的反向链接获取进度。 进行批量分析等等。 借助 Backlinks API,发布商可以增强其在 Google 新闻和搜索中的权威性和影响力。如果您想进一步了解我们的 API 功能,请立即注册免费试用 14 天。
为了简化收集和分析品牌提及的过程,DataForSEO 提供了内容分析 API。除了提供来自网络的任何关键字或品牌的提及之外,它还提供有关这些提及量的数据、对来源和目标受众的见解。我们的 API 跟踪 70 多种语言的关键字提及,并使用自然语言处理 (NLP) 和机器学习 (ML) 进行情感分析。这些算法以编程方式确定提及出现的情感背景,并对文本的正面、负面和中性极性进行评分。
这使得内容分析 API 成为一种完美而独特的工具,它允许发布者在高权威网站上查找提及内容,并根据提及内容的情感背景创建个性化的推广信息。有关情绪分析以及将我们的 API 用于品牌管理项目的更多信息,请查看此博客文章。
总而言之,API 使新闻网站优化的许多方面变得更加容易,从技术 SEO 到关键字研究和链接构建。通过 API 获得的见解可帮助媒体组织建立持久的 SEO 成功。此外,API 是衡量 SEO 工作效果的不可或缺的工具。要了解有关使用 API 跟踪搜索进度的更多信息,请继续阅读。
使用 API 进行实时报告——发布商必备 没人想要昨天的新闻,对吧?这意味着,与随着时间的推移而积累价值的常青内容不同,新闻文章在搜索中大放异彩并吸引流量的机会转瞬即逝。例如,出现在头条新闻轮播中的时间不到 48 小时。这是一个巨大的挑战,因此实时报道对于出版商快速做出调整至关重要。
记者获取实时数据的基本工具是适用于 Google Analytics 用户。它实时显示文章表现,包括:
当前文章读者数量。 过去 30 分钟内的页面浏览量。 五大流量来源。 此外,该工具还有一个实时搜索趋势部分,其中包含来自 Google Trends 的数据。它突出显示了过去 24 小时内各种主题、头条新闻和视频的搜索兴趣。
总体而言,Realtime Content Insights 是跟踪新闻表现的有用解决方案。但是,它缺少来自 Google 搜索的排名数据、关键字信息和自定义选项。为了提供更全面、更有意义的分析,一些新闻机构根据其特定需求构建了自定义仪表板。
一个突出的例子是《卫报》的内部分析引擎 Ophan。它每天跟踪 2.5 亿个事件,并在 3 到 5 秒内将数据反映在其仪表板上。在推出改进版本后,Ophan 向整个公司开放,覆盖了组织内超过 950 名月活跃用户。《卫报》数字受众编辑 Chris Moran 解释说:“你不可能通过购买工具并进行大规模培训来吸引 950 人。你需要让这个工具对大楼里的每个个人都有用。”
Ophan 的功能为《卫报》的记者和编辑提供及时而重要的信息。该工具显示了每篇文章是如何通过 Twitter、Facebook 和 Google 搜索等渠道进行推广的,以及每个渠道对内容浏览量的影响。仪表板还显示人们通过 Google 发现该内容时使用的搜索词。
利用 API,您可以构建自定义的实时分析仪表板,其中包含根据您的媒体需求量身定制的全面见解。
您可以使用 Google Analytics API 提取当前读者、页面浏览量和流量来源的数据。如果您想详细了解新闻网站在热门新闻和其他 SERP 功能或 Google 新闻标签中的表现,请使用 DataForSEO SERP API。它将帮助您使用实时数据构建报告,类似于NewzDash和Trisolute 的 NewsDashboard 等新闻聚焦工具中提供的报告。
使用Live Google Organic SERP Advanced和Live Google News Tab SERP API,您可以收集和跟踪任何国家/地区的每日行业趋势,并监控媒体的实时表现和排名变化。最重要的是,您可以随时进行 API 调用来刷新数据,而不是像 NewzDash 那样每 15-30 分钟跟踪一次。
使用来自相同 DataForSEO SERP API 端点的数据,您还可以添加网站或文章在移动设备和桌面上的搜索性能的比较,类似于此 NewsDashboard 报告。
更进一步,您可以利用DataForSEO Trends API来获取不同地区和人口统计数据中的关键字流行趋势。借助关键字数据 API,您可以获取关键字指标,例如搜索量和竞争程度。
总而言之,实时搜索性能数据对于出版商来说至关重要。Google 的 Realtime Content Insights 提供了一个很好的起点,但像《卫报》的 Ophan 这样的内部分析工具可以提供更详细、更可操作的见解。通过利用DataForSEO和 Google Analytics 或其他工具的 API,您可以创建一个强大的自定义仪表板,以满足您的独特需求。借助流量和搜索排名的实时数据,您的新闻编辑室不仅可以监控即时新闻表现,还可以主动增强它。
API 正在彻底改变媒体行业,为出版商提供创新、简化运营和保持竞争优势所需的工具。借助 API,记者可以将原始数据转化为有意义的故事,SEO 团队可以获得优化新闻内容、跟踪进度和及时调整的有效工具。一些媒体甚至利用 API 通过内部报告工具实时获得定制见解。
DataForSEO 提供了大量有价值的 API,可提供实时数据、灵活性和成本效益。无论您是想提升报告质量还是构建自定义排名跟踪仪表板,DataForSEO 的 API 都能满足您的需求。不要犹豫,注册免费试用,亲身体验 API 的变革力量。
原文链接:How APIs Foster Data-Driven Journalism and News SEO
Keyword: api大全
Click:detergent defoamer
在自然语言处理(NLP)领域,文本摘要模型可自动将文档、论文、播客、视频等缩短为最重要的片段。 这些模型由先进的深度学习和机器学习研究提供支持。
产品团队正在将文本摘要 API 和人工智能摘要模型集成到其人工智能平台中,以创建可自动摘要通话、访谈、法律文件等内容的摘要工具。 这些工具有时被称为人工智能摘要器。
在本文中,我们将讨论文本摘要究竟是什么、它是如何工作的、几种最好的文本摘要 API 以及摘要的一些顶级用例。
什么是 NLP 文本摘要?
在自然语言处理或 NLP 中,文本摘要指的是使用深度学习和机器学习模型将大量文本综合为最重要部分的过程。 文本摘要可以应用于研究论文或新闻报道等静态、已有的文本,也可以在语音转文本 API 的帮助下应用于播客或 YouTube 视频等音频或视频流。
例如,您想总结 2021 年的国情咨文–长达 1 小时 43 分钟的视频。
使用带有时间戳的文本摘要 API(如 Auto Chapters),您或许可以为视频的关键部分生成以下摘要:
1:45: I have the high privilege and distinct honor to present to you the President of the United States.
31:42: 90% of Americans now live within 5 miles of a vaccination site.
44:28: The American job plan is going to create millions of good paying jobs.
47:59: No one working 40 hours a week should live below the poverty line.
48:22: American jobs finally be the biggest increase in non defense research and development.
49:21: The National Institute of Health, the NIH, should create a similar advanced research Projects agency for Health.
50:31: It would have a singular purpose to develop breakthroughs to prevent, detect and treat diseases like Alzheimer's, diabetes and cancer.
51:29: I wanted to lay out before the Congress my plan.
52:19: When this nation made twelve years of public education universal in the last century, it made us the best educated, best prepared nation in the world.
54:25: The American Family's Plan guarantees four additional years of public education for every person in America, starting as early as we can.
57:08: American Family's Plan will provide access to quality, affordable childcare.
61:58: I will not impose any tax increase on people making less than $400,000.
67:34: He said the U.S. will become an Arsenal for vaccines for other countries.
74:12: After 20 years of value, Valor and sacrifice, it's time to bring those troops home.
76:01: We have to come together to heal the soul of this nation.
80:02: Gun violence has become an epidemic in America.
84:23: If you believe we need to secure the border, pass it.
85:00: Congress needs to pass legislation this year to finally secure protection for dreamers.
87:02: If we want to restore the soul of America, we need to protect the right to vote.
在过去的几十年里,人们开发了一连串的文本摘要方法,因此要回答文本摘要是如何工作的,答案并不单一。 尽管如此,这些方法仍可根据其应对文本摘要挑战的一般方法进行分类。
也许最明确和最有用的区分是提取式和抽象式文本摘要方法。 提取法旨在从文本中提取最相关的信息。 提取式文本摘要法是这两种方法中较为传统的一种,部分原因是与抽象式方法相比,提取式文本摘要法相对简单。
抽象方法则试图生成能准确概括原文的新文本。 我们已经可以看出,这是一个更加困难的问题–不局限于简单地返回原始文本的子集,有很大程度的自由度。 不过,这种困难也有好处。 尽管抽象方法相对复杂,但它能产生更灵活、更忠实的摘要,尤其是在大语言模型时代。
如上所述,提取式文本摘要方法的工作原理是识别和提取文本中的突出信息。 因此,各种提取方法构成了确定哪些信息是重要信息(因此应该提取)的不同方式。
例如,基于词频的方法倾向于根据不同词语的使用频率对文本中的句子进行重要性排序。 对于每个句子,词汇表中的每个词都有一个权重项,权重通常是该词本身的重要性和该词在整个文档中出现的频率的函数。 利用这些权重,就可以确定并返回每个句子的重要性。
基于图形的方法是用数学图形语言来处理文本文档。 在这种图式中,每个句子表示为一个节点,如果认为句子相似,则将节点连接起来。 至于什么是 “相似”,这同样取决于不同的具体算法和方法。 例如,一种实现方法可能会使用 TF-IDF 向量间余弦相似度的阈值。 一般来说,文档中与所有其他句子 “最相似 “的句子(即中心度最高的句子)被认为具有最多的摘要信息,因此会被提取并放入摘要中。 基于图的方法的一个显著例子是 TextRank,它是谷歌 pagerank 算法的一个版本(该算法决定在谷歌搜索中显示哪些结果),已被调整用于摘要(而不是对最重要的句子进行排名)。 基于图的方法未来可能会受益于图神经网络的进步。
抽象方法旨在生成一种新颖的摘要,对文本中的信息进行适当的总结。 虽然抽象文本摘要有语言学方法,但深度学习(将摘要视为 seq2seq 问题)在过去几年中已证明在这方面非常强大。 因此,Transformer 的发明对抽象文本摘要领域产生了深远的影响,正如它对许多其他领域产生的影响一样。
最近,大语言模型尤其被应用于文本摘要问题。 对大型语言模型新兴能力的观察证明,大型语言模型是能够胜任各种任务(包括摘要)的代理。 也就是说,虽然 LLM 没有直接接受过总结任务的训练,但随着其规模的扩大,它们会成为有能力的通用生成式人工智能模型,从而具备执行总结和许多其他任务的能力。
最近,人们探索了基于 LLM 的摘要特定方法,使用预先训练好的 LLM 和人类反馈强化学习(RLHF),这是将 GPT 演化成 ChatGPT 的核心技术(例如这里和这里)。 该方案遵循典型的 RLHF 训练方法,即利用人类反馈训练奖励模型,然后通过 PPO 更新 RL 策略。 简而言之,RLHF 可以改进模型,使其更容易根据人类的期望(在本例中,人类对 “好 “摘要的期望)调整输出。
文本摘要领域仍是一个持续研究的领域,根据已经完成的工作,我们可以探索一些自然的扩展。 例如,我们可以考虑使用人工智能反馈强化学习(RLAIF)来代替 RLHF,后者在更广泛的情况下已被证明能提高性能。
既然我们已经讨论了什么是 NLP 文本摘要及其工作原理,那么我们就来比较一下目前最好用的一些文本摘要 API、AI 摘要器和 AI 摘要模型。 请注意,其中一些 API 支持对已有的文本(如研究论文)进行文本摘要,而另一些 API 则在音频或视频流转录(如播客或虚拟会议)的基础上执行文本摘要。
AssemblyAI 的总结模型
AssemblyAI 是一家语音人工智能公司,致力于开发能够理解和处理人类语音的新型人工智能系统。 该公司的人工智能总结模型在音频和视频方面取得了最先进的成果。 此外,AssemblyAI 还为特定行业用例建立了其他摘要模型,包括信息性、会话性和朗朗上口。 摘要可以项目符号、要点、段落或标题的形式返回(见上图示例)。
LeMUR 是 AssemblyAI 的大型语言模型框架,它还可以帮助产品团队处理定制摘要格式的请求。
此外,AssemblyAI 还提供了一种称为 “自动章节 “的摘要模型,该模型可在音频或视频流数据的基础上应用文本摘要,并为每个章节提供带有时间戳的一段摘要和单句标题。 这一过程是文本摘要在 AssemblyAI 中的独特应用。
AssemblyAI 的人工智能模型被播客、电话、虚拟会议平台、对话智能人工智能平台等领域的顶级产品团队所采用。 该公司最近还发布了Conformer-2,这是一个在110万小时的英语音频数据基础上训练出来的自动语音识别人工智能模型,它能使首先用Conformer-2处理过的转录生成的摘要更加准确和有用。
plnia 的文本摘要 API
plnia 文本摘要 API 可生成静态文档或其他已有文本的摘要。 除文本摘要外,plnia 还提供情感分析、关键词提取、滥用语言检查等功能。 希望测试 plnia 的开发人员可以注册 10 天的免费试用;包含文本摘要的计划起价为每月 19 美元。
Microsoft Azure 文本摘要
作为文本分析套件的一部分,Azure 的文本摘要 API 可对文章、论文或文档进行提取摘要。 入门要求包括 Azure 订阅和 Visual Studio IDE。 使用 API 的价格是现收现付,但价格因使用量和其他所需功能而异。
MeaningCloud 的自动总结功能
MeaningCloud 的自动摘要应用程序接口(Automatic Summarization API)可让用户通过提取最相关的句子并使用这些句子来构建概要,从而总结出任何文档的含义。 API 是多语言的,因此无论文本使用哪种语言,用户都可以使用 API。 想要测试 API 的用户必须先注册一个免费的开发者账户,然后根据使用情况,使用 API 的价格从 0-999 美元/月不等。
NLP 云摘要应用程序接口
NLP Cloud 提供多种文本理解和 NLP API,包括文本摘要,此外还支持社区人工智能模型的微调和部署,以进一步提高准确性。 开发人员还可以建立自己的自定义模型,并将其训练和部署到生产中。 价格从 0 美元到 499 美元/月不等,视使用情况而定。
- 什么是NLP文本摘要API?
NLP文本摘要API是一种利用自然语言处理技术自动将长文本转换成简短摘要的应用程序接口。它通过分析文本内容,提取关键信息,生成简洁的摘要。 - NLP文本摘要API适用于哪些场景?
适用于新闻摘要、文章概览、报告简化、会议记录摘要、社交媒体内容概括等多种需要文本简化的场景。 - 如何接入NLP文本摘要API?
通常需要在应用程序中集成API,通过发送HTTP请求并将文本作为输入参数,API会返回摘要结果。 - NLP文本摘要API的准确性如何?
准确性取决于API的训练数据、算法复杂度和自然语言处理能力。高质量的API通常能够提供高准确度的摘要。 - NLP文本摘要API支持哪些语言?
不同的API支持的语言不同,一些API支持多种语言,包括英语、中文、西班牙语等,具体需要查看API提供商的支持列表。 - 使用NLP文本摘要API是否有成本?
一些基础服务可能是免费的,但通常有使用限制,如请求次数或文本长度限制。高级服务或增加使用量可能需要付费。 - NLP文本摘要API如何处理敏感信息?
处理敏感信息时应确保API提供商遵守数据保护法规,并对数据进行加密处理。建议在使用前了解提供商的隐私政策。 - 如何评估NLP文本摘要API的性能?
可以通过比较摘要的准确性、完整性、连贯性以及与原文的一致性来评估API的性能。 - NLP文本摘要API的响应时间如何?
API的响应时间取决于文本长度、服务器负载和算法效率。高质量的API通常能够提供快速的响应时间。 - 如果对NLP文本摘要API生成的摘要不满意,可以自定义摘要逻辑吗?
幂简集成是国内领先的API集成管理平台,专注于为开发者提供全面、高效、易用的API集成解决方案。幂简API平台可以通过以下两种方式找到所需API:通过关键词搜索API、或者从API Hub分类页进入寻找。
Keyword: api平台
Highly Angiogenic Peptide Nanofibers
Highly Angiogenic Peptide Nanofibers
Vivek A. Kumar, Nichole L. Taylor, Siyu Shi,Benjamin K. Wang, Abhishek A. Jalan, Marci K. Kang, Navindee C. Wickremasinghe, and Jeffrey D. Hartgerink, ACS Nano, 2015, 9, 860-868.
Major limitations of current tissue regeneration approaches using artificial scaffolds are fibrous encapsulation, lack of host cellular infiltration, unwanted immune responses, surface degradation preceding biointegration, and artificial degradation byproducts. Specifically, for scaffolds larger than 200–500 μm, implants must be accompanied by host angiogenesis in order to provide adequate nutrient/waste exchange in the newly forming tissue. In the current work, we design a peptide-based self-assembling nanofibrous hydrogel containing cell-mediated degradation and proangiogenic moieties that specifically address these challenges. This hydrogel can be easily delivered by syringe, is rapidly infiltrated by cells of hematopoietic and mesenchymal origin, and rapidly forms an extremely robust mature vascular network. Scaffolds show no signs of fibrous encapsulation and after 3 weeks are resorbed into the native tissue. These supramolecular assemblies may prove a vital paradigm for tissue regeneration and specifically for ischemic tissue disease.
Copyright © 2015 American Chemical Society
Keyword: Peptide Custom Services
Green Chemistry Principles, Greening the solid phase peptide syn
The following review of Green Chemistry principles along with its history, advantages and its relationship to Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis comes from Fernando Albericio, [email protected], and Beatriz Garcia De La Torre, [email protected], at Peptide Sciences Laboratory South Africa. The solid phase has features that work with the Green concept. For example, it uses a single reactor, can synthesize any amount of peptide you want (low concentration μmols), has no mechanical loss, no intermediate purification, provides easy work-up, high yield, high purity, better purification, and allows parallel simultaneous synthesis in the very same conditions. In addition, Green Chemistry principles and the processes mentioned above save time, energy, cost, and solvents with less impact on the environment and human health.
Green Chemistry
Green chemistry has been previously practised in many chemical syntheses in the past, however, the concert and definition of Green Chemistry were first developed in the 1990s as the “design of chemical products and processes to reduce or eliminate the use and generation of hazardous substances”[1, 2]. The most crucial aspect of Green Chemistry is the word “design”, since it involves new ideas and careful planning. The twelve green chemistry principles were initiated in 1998 by Anastas and Warner, and they can be simplified as the following: Waste prevention, Atom Economy, Less hazardous chemical synthesis, Designing safer chemicals, Safer solvents and auxiliaries, Design for energy for energy efficient, Use of renewable feedstock, Reduce derivatives, Catalysis, design for degradation, Real-time analysis for pollution prevention, and Inherently safer chemistry for accident prevention, these are explained further in literature[2-5]. These principles or “design rules” should be complied to whenever a new product is being designed, produced, or used, to eliminate hazardous adverse consequences. The Green Chemistry ideology calls for a development of new strategies for chemical synthesis, processing, and use of chemicals that are less hazardous and would be safe for humans and environment[6]. The green chemistry approach has many benefits, it allows chemist to achieve sustainability, it protects the environment, good for human health, it cost effective/profitable. Most importantly, the green chemistry is well adopted by many chemistry sectors including scholars and researchers in the academia, research centres and industries worldwide[6-9].
Green Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis
The commonly used strategy for the synthesis of peptides in nowadays is solid phase peptide synthesis (SPPS), pioneered in 1963, by R. Bruce Merrifield[10]. Since its introduction, it has revolutionized the peptide chemistry, and Merrifield was honoured by an award of Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1984, and this caused a high synthesis of peptide for pharmaceutical market[10, 11]. The solid phase has features that agrees with Green concept. For example, uses a single reactor, can synthesize any amount of peptide you want (low concentration μmols), no mechanical loss, no intermediate purification, easy work-up, high yield, purity is high and better purification, allow parallel simultaneous synthesis in the very same conditions, all these processes mentioned above save time, energy, cost effective, automated, saves solvents and not too bad for environment and human health[10, 12]. Also, the solid support used in SPPS, 2-chlorotrityl chloride (CTC) resin can be re-used few times with small sized peptides, although this is not a universal protocol, and the cleavage of tBu protected peptide from CTC resin is done under mild conditions (1−2% of TFA in DCM)[13, 14]. Although SPPS is a good strategy, however it also has a major drawback, which violate green chemistry concept, like the use of harsh acids/bases for deprotection of protecting groups, cleaving of peptide from resin, hazardous solvents for swelling of resin, coupling, excess washing, and the purification generate a lot of solvent waste[8].
The SPPS which involves no solvent or water as solvent will be the best strategy, however due to solubility issues of some chemicals or reagents used in SPPS this is not easily done but possible[12, 15, 16]. Also, other peptide sequences are difficult to synthesize under these conditions, so it is best idea to substitute hazardous solvents with greener solvents that would still work well with SPPS and produce excellent results. The commonly used solvents for SPPS are dichloromethane (DCM), N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF), and methylpyrrolidone NMP which in green chemistry guides are classified as extremely hazardous[17, 18]. Our group have reported various greener solvents such as 2-MeTHF (2-methyltetrahydrofuran) and CPME (cyclopentyl methyl ether), ethyl acetate, γ-valerolactone (GVL), -formylmorpholine (NFM) as alternatives[19-23]. Also, our group is not focusing only on greening the solvents, but they are extensively working on greening the whole SPPS chemicals used and reagents[15, 24, 25]. The atom economy of SPPS is highly negative, our group is also researching about this topic[26].
Green Ethers to Precipitate Peptides
The two famous strategies of SPPS are Boc/benzyl and Fmoc/t-butyl after peptide synthesis, are both depending on acidolysis cleavage for the simultaneous removal of protecting groups and release of peptide from resin[27-29]. This process is commonly known as “global deprotection” which is carried out in harsh acid (e.g., TFA) only when peptide has no protecting groups, or in presence of scavengers (TIS/H2O) to capture carbocation obtained from release of protecting groups.
Usually a cold (-20o C) diethyl ether (DEE) is used to precipitate the peptide out of the acidic solution while keeping non-volatile scavengers and any other non-polar protecting groups by-product in solution[30]. The precipitated peptide is washed with cold DEE, centrifuge and collect precipitate, this is repeated 3 times. This repeated washing helps to remove any residual scavengers[31]. Although DEE is the most widely used ether but has a low flash point and boiling point (45 C and 35 C, respectively) and a low temperature of auto ignition, and it is prone to forming peroxides and is not regarded as a green solvent[17, 32, 33]. There are many different ethers that have been tried in replacement of DEE. The peroxide free methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) was investigated as an alternative. However, MTBE posed serious drawbacks such as of low solubility, low flash point, unstable under acidic conditions, and sometimes causes the tert-butylation of Met or Trp of the released peptide, especially when severe HF or trifluoromethanesulfonic acid (TFMSA) is used for global deprotection (acidolytic cleavage)[30].
Since the DEE and MTBE are no longer suitable precipitating ether, 2-MeTHF and CPME are used as alternatives. 2-MeTHF introduced by Pawlas and co-workers, can be used alone or in mixtures in n-heptane, and shows good recovery of the peptide after final global deprotection[34, 35]. Unfortunately, 2-MeTHF is not best ether since it still has issues like low flash point, not stable under acidic conditions, forms peroxide easily, insufficient recovery from water[36]. CPME is also accepted as a green precipitating ether, and it free from the above-mentioned drawbacks about other ether solvents. CPME is characterized by favourable environmental, health and safety (EHS) properties, including a high flash point (10 C), the high boiling point (1060 C), stable in acidic/basic conditions, and hardly form peroxides[32, 37, 38]. Various peptide has been reported to be precipitated by CPME and they showed excellent results except for Leu-enkephalin which was dissolved in CPME and did not precipitate. Another important thing to mention about CPME is that there was no alkylation generated by the cyclopentyl carbocation as evidenced by LC-MS data[35, 38]. These results are consistent with the study of Watanabe et al., that shows CPME is stable in acidic conditions, also stable at room temperature for 8h in TFA[37]. Additionally, CPME was found to preserve the structural morphologies of CTC resin beads, allowing the TCT resin to be recycled[39]
1. Horvath, I.T. and P.T. Anastas, Innovations and green chemistry. Chemical reviews, 2007. 107(6): p. 2169-2173.
2. Anastas, P.T. and J.C. Warner, Principles of green chemistry. Green chemistry: Theory and practice, 1998. 29.
3. Anastas, P.T. and J.C. Warner, Green chemistry. Frontiers, 1998. 640: p. 1998.
4. Trost, B.M., The atom economy—a search for synthetic efficiency. Science, 1991. 254(5037): p. 1471-1477.
5. Sheldon, R.A., Fundamentals of green chemistry: efficiency in reaction design. Chemical Society Reviews, 2012. 41(4): p. 1437-1451.
6. Anastas, P.T. and T.C. Williamson, Green chemistry: an overview. 1996.
7. Anastas, P. and N. Eghbali, Green chemistry: principles and practice. Chemical Society Reviews, 2010. 39(1): p. 301-312.
8. Constable, D.J., et al., Key green chemistry research areas—a perspective from pharmaceutical manufacturers. Green Chemistry, 2007. 9(5): p. 411-420.
9. Bryan, M.C., et al., Key Green Chemistry research areas from a pharmaceutical manufacturers’ perspective revisited. Green Chemistry, 2018. 20(22): p. 5082-5103.
10. Merrifield, R.B., Solid phase peptide synthesis. I. The synthesis of a tetrapeptide. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1963. 85(14): p. 2149-2154.
11. Zompra, A.A., et al., Manufacturing peptides as active pharmaceutical ingredients. Future medicinal chemistry, 2009. 1(2): p. 361-377.
12. Jad, Y.E., et al., Green transformation of solid-phase peptide synthesis. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019. 7(4): p. 3671-3683.
13. GarcÍa-MartÍn, F., et al., Chlorotrityl chloride (CTC) resin as a convenient reusable protecting group, in Understanding Biology Using Peptides. 2006, Springer. p. 220-221.
14. García‐Martín, F., et al., Chlorotrityl chloride (CTC) resin as a reusable carboxyl protecting group. QSAR & Combinatorial Science, 2007. 26(10): p. 1027-1035.
15. Al Musaimi, O., G. Beatriz, and F. Albericio, Greening Fmoc/t Bu solid-phase peptide synthesis. Green Chemistry, 2020. 22(4): p. 996-1018.
16. Sheldon, R.A., Green solvents for sustainable organic synthesis: state of the art. Green Chemistry, 2005. 7(5): p. 267-278.
17. Alder, C.M., et al., Updating and further expanding GSK’s solvent sustainability guide. Green Chemistry, 2016. 18(13): p. 3879-3890.
18. Prat, D., et al., Sanofi’s solvent selection guide: A step toward more sustainable processes. Organic Process Research & Development, 2013. 17(12): p. 1517-1525.
19. Jad, Y.E., et al., Green solid-phase peptide synthesis (GSPPS) 3. Green solvents for Fmoc removal in peptide chemistry. Organic Process Research & Development, 2017. 21(3): p. 365-369.
20. Jad, Y.E., et al., Green solid-phase peptide synthesis 2. 2-Methyltetrahydrofuran and ethyl acetate for solid-phase peptide synthesis under green conditions. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2016. 4(12): p. 6809-6814.
21. Kumar, A., et al., Green solid-phase peptide synthesis 4. γ-Valerolactone and N-formylmorpholine as green solvents for solid phase peptide synthesis. Tetrahedron Letters, 2017. 58(30): p. 2986-2988.
22. Alhassan, M., et al., Cleaving protected peptides from 2-chlorotrityl chloride resin. Moving away from dichloromethane. Green Chemistry, 2020. 22(9): p. 2840-2845.
23. Jadhav, S., et al., Replacing DMF in solid-phase peptide synthesis: varying the composition of green binary solvent mixtures as a tool to mitigate common side-reactions. Green Chemistry, 2021. 23(9): p. 3312-3321.
24. Kumar, A., et al., Microwave-assisted green solid-phase peptide synthesis using γ-valerolactone (GVL) as solvent. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018. 6(6): p. 8034-8039.
25. Da’san MM, J., O. Al Musaimi, and F. Albericio, Advances in solid-phase peptide synthesis in aqueous media (ASPPS). Green Chemistry, 2022. 24(17): p. 6360-6372.
26. Al Musaimi, O., et al., Green circular economy applied to peptide synthesis. 2021.
27. Jaradat, D.s.M., Thirteen decades of peptide synthesis: key developments in solid phase peptide synthesis and amide bond formation utilized in peptide ligation. Amino acids, 2018. 50(1): p. 39-68.
28. Fields, G.B. and R.L. Noble, Solid phase peptide synthesis utilizing 9‐fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl amino acids. International journal of peptide and protein research, 1990. 35(3): p. 161-214.
29. Barany, G. and R. Merrifield, In The Peptides; E. Gross, J. Meienhofer, Eds. 1979, Academic Press, New York.
30. de La Torre, B.G. and D. Andreu, On choosing the right ether for peptide precipitation after acid cleavage. Journal of Peptide Science: An Official Publication of the European Peptide Society, 2008. 14(3): p. 360-363.
31. His, T., Cleavage, Deprotection, and Isolation of Peptides after Fmoc Synthesis. Technical Bulletin, 1998.
32. Henderson, R.K., et al., Expanding GSK’s solvent selection guide–embedding sustainability into solvent selection starting at medicinal chemistry. Green Chemistry, 2011. 13(4): p. 854-862.
33. Prat, D., J. Hayler, and A. Wells, A survey of solvent selection guides. Green Chemistry, 2014. 16(10): p. 4546-4551.
34. Pawlas, J., et al., 2D green SPPS: green solvents for on-resin removal of acid sensitive protecting groups and lactamization. Green Chemistry, 2019. 21(10): p. 2594-2600.
35. Al Musaimi, O., et al., Greening the solid-phase peptide synthesis process. 2-methf for the incorporation of the first amino acid and precipitation of peptides after global deprotection. Organic Process Research & Development, 2018. 22(12): p. 1809-1816.
36. Gu, Y. and F. Jerome, Bio-based solvents: an emerging generation of fluids for the design of eco-efficient processes in catalysis and organic chemistry. Chemical Society Reviews, 2013. 42(24): p. 9550-9570.
37. Watanabe, K., N. Yamagiwa, and Y. Torisawa, Cyclopentyl methyl ether as a new and alternative process solvent. Organic process research & development, 2007. 11(2): p. 251-258.
38. Al Musaimi, O., et al., Investigating green ethers for the precipitation of peptides after global deprotection in solid-phase peptide synthesis. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 2018. 11: p. 99-103.
39. Al Musaimi, O., et al., Bypassing osmotic shock dilemma in a polystyrene resin using the green solvent cyclopentyl methyl ether (cpme): A morphological perspective. Polymers, 2019. 11(5): p. 874.
Keyword: Research Peptides Supplier
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comfortable simple summer thin pink jacquard blankets for home use
Product Description
Bright color, light weight blanket, very comfortable, suitable for year-round use.
Company Profile
Now our production line are updating to automatic and half-automatic. Finished down&feather filled bedding products, we have our own 4 automatic washing line to processing down&feather, have 100 sets sewing machines, 2 sets multi-needle quilting machines, 125 sets single-needle quilting machines, 6 sets polyester carding machines and one sets auto-polyfiber filling machine and lots of Down&feather filling line.
Also we have building our own foam line in 2017, to processing PU foam and memory foam, cutting foam, modeled foam and shredded foam. We have 2 lines of moulded memory foam pillows, horizontal and vertical cutting machines, CNC contour cutting machine, individual laboratory to test and control quality.
We have international standard products with certification, such as OEKO Class I, BSCI, GRS, DOWNPASS, RDS, Detox Wastewater and ISO9001. Our main market in Europe, US, South Korea and South American. Annual sales around $50 million of one year. We have more rich experience in exporting.
“Smooth and honest service, always…” is our cooperative principle. We really expecting have more cooperation with you and your company in the near future.
Q1. What is your delivery time?
A1: Normally 1 week for sampling and 30-40 days for mass production.
Q2. How do I calculate or get the freight cost?
A2: The packaging size will be included in the quotation. Or we can get a quote from our forwarder for your reference.
Q3. Can you provide ODM service
A3: Yes, we work on ODM orders. That means the size, material, design , quantity and packing will be done according to your request and your logo will be shown on the product.
Q4. Can I get the sample to check the quality?
A4: Absolutely yes. We can send you the sample for free if you can give us your express account information or prepaid the shipping fee.
Q5. May I visit your factory?
A5: Sure, you are always welcome. We can pick you up at the airport or station.
Q6. What can you buy from us?
A6: Duvet,pillow & cushion,mattress topper,mattress protector,bed sets,down & feather material,blanket.
Q7. What about payment method?
A7: We accept TT /LC /other payment method.
Keyword: weighted blanket manufacturer
Exploring the Types of Gift Cards in Venezuela In 2024
Gift cards have become a global phenomenon over the years because of their indispensable attributes that have continued to be revolutionary in how people use them. But these cards are in their thousands, as even some are peculiar to a region. Hence, you may need to understand the gift cards in Venezuela in this context.
While we know that gift cards are a big deal today, with the fast-paced growth of technology that makes life convenient, people are thronging to use gift cards for different purposes. This is not common only in the United States or Europe. The use of gift cards is encompassing, as are the benefits it offers in every country.
To this end, this article highlights the variety of gift cards in Venezuela to give you an overview of their usefulness.
Understanding Gift Cards In Venezuela
Broadly, a gift card is a prepaid card of stored value that you can use to purchase products at stores. In other words, a gift card is a payment option that enables you to buy products at a designated store that issues the card.
This means you can only use a particular card at a particular store and not every store. This is what makes gift cards a special asset on its right.
Notably, gift cards exist in physical and digital forms. You can redeem at physical or online stores for your preferred product. The cards are also in varying denominations, allowing you to buy products according to the card’s value.
Like other countries, Venezuela has both generic and specific gift cards available. However, the card you choose depends on the goal you want to achieve while using the card. As such, while there is a range of gift cards in Venezuela, each is tailored for a purpose.
Moreover, it is common knowledge that gift cards are digital assets of real-time value. This narrative is also valid in Venezuela, which has helped to grow the popularity of gift cards.
Today, while gift cards are seen as a better option than regular gifts, some people use them as a payment option. But this is not prevalent in Venezuela.
Due to the economic challenges, the country is facing, a preponderance of Venezuelans prefer cash transactions and other alternative forms of exchange.
Despite the economic downturn in the country, there is still an opportunity for Venezuelans to buy gift cards from local stores to help grow their business. There are also international stores that have their cards available in the country.
If you reside in Venezuela or plan to visit the country, you can be sure of getting a card to assume the convenience you need in having a gift card than holding cash.
Types Of Gift Cards In Venezuela
As mentioned earlier, different gift cards in Venezuela serve distinct purposes as you desire. So let’s take a look at these cards.
Retail Store Gift Cards
Retail store gift cards are Venezuela’s most common type of gift card. You can get these cards at various stores and use them to buy any product of the same value or less than the gift card’s balance. For shopping enthusiasts, this is the best gift card for you.
At these stores, you can use retail store gift cards to buy products like electronics, home appliances, clothing, shoes, books, etc. These cards are available in different denominations that range between 50 bolivars and 1,000 bolivars.
In addition, you can preload these gift cards with your preferred amount to enjoy the optimal benefits of the cards in terms of what they can afford you to buy.
Popular retail store gift cards in Venezuela are Sambil, MercadoLibre, and Farmatodo gift cards.
Online Retailer Gift Cards
These gift cards function likely as retail store gift cards, but the only difference is where the cards are used. As the name implies, online retailers’ gift cards are the cards you can use to purchase on e-commerce platforms.
You can use these cards to buy either physical or digital products for your consumption. This is why they exist in both physical and digital forms. Examples of products that you can buy with the products are software, video games, books, home appliances, laptops, electronics, clothing, beauty products, etc.
Examples of online retailer gift cards in Venezuela are Amazon, MercadoLibre, and Sambil gift cards. These cards exist in physical and digital forms, making them ideal cards to give to loved ones. Also, they can be used outside Venezuela, unlike retail store gift cards.
Entertainment And Dining Gift Cards
These gift cards are the best for lovers of music and movies and those enthused with special cuisines at restaurants. You can imagine giving this type of card to a loved one on their special day, like a birthday. You will surely earn a good appreciation and satisfaction from the recipient.
While there are entertainment gift cards, dining gift cards are also available in Venezuela. They are with varying denominations ranging from 20 bolivars to 1,000 bolivars. Therefore, you can use these cards are restaurants and movie theatres in the country.
Notable of them is the Cines Unidos, which is one of the biggest theatre chains in Venezuela.
Examples of these gift cards in Venezuela are Sambil gift cards and Cines Unidos gift cards.
Benefits Of Using Gift Cards In Venezuela
Gift cards enable you to shop anytime and anywhere you are in Venezuela. This is better than holding cash, and you do not have the luxury of time to go to physical stores. You can redeem your gift card on the store’s online platform, and you will directly make payment for your product without a glitch.
For instance, you can use the Sambil gift card online and in physical stores to purchase your preferred products anytime.
Opportunities For Discounts And Promotions
A discount is attached to most gift cards to encourage people to use the cards to promote the brand that issues the gift card. This is a marketing strategy by most gift card issuers. Therefore, you can stand the chance of buying products at discounted prices when you use gift cards.
This is a benefit that is not open to customers paying with cash.
Safe From Currency Exchange Issues
Gift cards often provide measures against currency exchange issues as the cards are primarily in Venezuelan currency, bolivars. So you do not need to convert currency when you use the card in Venezuela. Also, people going to the country can buy cards in Venezuela in its local currency.
You may consider buying gift cards online at Prestmit at the best prices.
How To Purchase And Use Gift Cards In Venezuela
You can buy gift cards in Venezuela through two different methods: online and offline.
How To Buy Gift Cards Online
The major gift card you can buy online in Venezuela is the Amazon gift card. You can start by creating an Amazon account and choosing the Amazon gift card option. Choose your preferred amount of Amazon gift card and make payment using a credit card or bank transfer. You will receive your card via mail.
How To Buy Gift Cards Offline
You can walk into any physical store that issues gift cards in Venezuela to buy your gift cards, which are available in different denominations. These stores are Farmatodo and Sambil.
How To Redeem Gift Cards
You can redeem your gift cards at stores that support the cards as a payment method. For instance, you can only redeem your Amazon gift card for your preferred product(s) on the Amazon store. This is similar to using your Samibil and MercadoLibre gift cards.
You can use these cards by going to the platform you want to redeem them. You will be required to enter the PIN details of the cards.
Moreover, this is the same process for redeeming other local cards in their retail stores.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What Are The Types Of Gift Cards In Venezuela?
There are different types of Venezuelan gift cards. They are available for shopping, entertainment, and dining. So you can get a gift card for any of these purposes in Venezuela.
While there are local gift cards in the country, there are also international gift cards, notable of which are Amazon gift cards. Other gift cards available in Venezuela are Sambil gift cards, MercadoLibre gift cards, Cines Unidos gift cards, and Famatodos gift cards.
How Can I Buy A Gift Card In Venezuela?
You can buy gift cards from the website or in-store of the brand that issues the card. Different retail stores sell these cards: Sambil, Famatodos, and Cines Unidos. Also, there are gift card trading platforms or physical stores that are third-party sellers of these gift cards.
What Can I Buy With Gift Cards In Venezuela?
You can use your gift card to buy the products sold by the brand that issues the card. This means that there is almost no product you can not use your gift card to buy in Venezuela.
It largely depends on the type of card you have and its denomination. As Sambil gift cards are for electronics, home appliances, restaurants, etc., Famatodos gift cards are for pharmaceutical products.
Gift cards are designed to make shopping convenient as they continue to be a viable payment option as the best alternative to cash. This is because these cards are in real-time value while offering discounts to their users at designated stores. This is similar to how they are being used in Venezuela.
However, it is important to know the various gift cards in the country and the stores from which you can buy them to understand the best-fit card for your demand.
Keyword: check balance my gift card
SEO Tips for Online Writing in 2020
Have you noticed that 2020 is just two months away? With the
new year coming, writers who focus on writing articles optimized for ranking
may face new challenges as well as challengers. With so many people competing
to be on the first page of Google, you need to up your game if you want to have
the edge.
So, what should you do to stay on the cutting edge? Read on
to find out.
SEO Writing for 2020
#1. Never skip keyword research
If you write for the sake of writing, you’re going to have
an awful time. Keyword research is the backbone of any SEO article, and you
must always do it properly before
writing. Proper keyword research ensures that you only write about topics that
real people are looking for.
#2. Focus on the readers
If you go back to ten or even twenty years ago, you could
find many SEO experts telling you to focus on your readers. It’s hardly a
surprise if the experts are still singing the same tune when it comes to writing
online for 2020.
Indeed, in the future, only reader-focused content will thrive while the ones written solely to
make quick bucks will end up in the wasteland that is the second page of
#3. Write engaging content
When someone clicks on a link on the Google search result
page only to go back seconds later, Google will deem the clicked page unworthy
of its position. The short engagement time serves as proof that the content did
not appeal to the readers.
How do you prevent that? By making sure the reader is hooked
right from the start. Put the most important information at the top to grab the readers’ attention and get
them interested in your content. Talk about something relatable to incite the
reader’s desire then close the article with a call to action.
#4. Make your content easy to read
By using headings, short paragraphs, bullet points, pictures,
graphics, videos, and proper CSS styling, you can make your content easy to
read and appealing to the reader’s
eyes. As a result, the readers will be more inclined to finish reading the
article instead of quickly hitting the back button to check what’s next on the
search result.
#5. Establish your E-A-T
If you haven’t thought about cementing your Expertise, Authoritativeness, and
Trustworthiness, you better start packing since your content won’t go
To show your expertise, you need to dig deeper than the
competitor. Show the readers that you know more than the superficial features. Make
sure your writing is also free
from silly grammar mistakes and typos. Experts don’t make such mistakes.
Improving your authoritativeness is about being acknowledged
in the industry. The more websites linking to your content, the more authority
you gain.
Lastly, you’re considered as trustworthy when you’re
unbiased regardless of what you’re writing. If you’re being sponsored, say it
so. If you make money from the affiliate links, mention it in the footer for
everyone to see. Just be an honest person and trustworthiness will come your
#6. Update your old content
You’ve worked hard writing all those content and they were
doing so well, so why letting them gather dust? Update your content by adding
new information that’s relevant to the current market.
Many SEO experts advise updating old content every six
months. Of course, this only applies to pages that aged quickly. If you have
evergreen content, you may not need to revisit and update them as frequently as
Optimizing your content for Google is fine and all, but your
customer must be your top priority. You can’t go wrong by pleasing the
customers. Even when the search engines dislike you, engaged customers will
still be loyal to you and your content.
Keyword: light novel
Shiro Sweet Mint
Flavored with peppermint and a touch of spearmint, this pouch is an experience for your senses. The nicotine level is low, 6 milligrams per gram.
Net: 12 g (net)
Flavour: peppermint, spearmint
Nicotine: 6 mg/g
Pouch size: slim
Number of pouches: 24
Texture: moist
Available: in single cans, rolls (10 cans)
Manufacturer: AG Snus AB
Keyword: velo nicotine pouches
Mad Cat Frisky Spritz Catnip Spray
Keep toys enticing and fresh with the Mad Cat Frisky Spritz Catnip Spray!
- Spritz on toys and scratchers
- Safe, non-toxic, and dye-free
- Made with pure North-American catnip oil
Why We Love It:
The Mad Cat Frisky Spritz Catnip Spray can spice up kitty’s favorite toys and places. Use it as an enticing fragrance to introduce your cat to a new bed or carrier. Safe, non-toxic, and dye-free. Made with pure North-American catnip oil.