Can Hashimoto’s Disease Lead to Hair Loss?

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Any type of noticeable hair loss can be alarming. And while sometimes the cause of excess hair fall is temporary and will resolve on its own, other times, it’s the result of something more serious, like Hashimoto’s disease.

But what is Hashimoto’s disease? And how can it cause your hair to fall out? Here’s a closer look at the link between this common thyroid disorder and hair loss, plus what you need to do to combat thinning hair.

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What Is Hashimoto’s Disease?

Named after the Japanese doctor who first discovered the condition in 1912, Hashimoto’s disease is an autoimmune disorder. It’s sometimes referred to as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, or autoimmune thyroid disease, and is characterized by long-term thyroid inflammation. According to the American Thyroid Association, Hashimoto’s Disease is one of the most common causes of hypothyroidism in the U.S. and is most common in women approaching middle age.

“A slowed thyroid gland is known as hypothyroidism, the condition in which your thyroid does not make enough thyroid hormones,” said board-certified endocrinologist Dr. Yasmin Akhunji. “This is most commonly caused by Hashimoto’s disease, an autoimmune attack of the thyroid.”

The hypothyroidism caused by Hashimoto’s leads to artificially spiked thyroid hormone levels throughout the body for a prolonged period of time. As the disease progresses, the exhausted thyroid gland begins to struggle to produce hormones, leading to a chronically slow or underactive thyroid gland and a host of other symptoms associated with sluggish hormone production.

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What Are the Symptoms of Hashimoto’s Disease?

Because it’s an autoimmune disorder, Hashimoto’s Disease causes your immune system to go into hyperdrive, needlessly attacking healthy cells. As dramatic as this sounds, Hashimoto’s often progresses slowly, meaning that the symptoms are not particularly obvious.

An early warning signal of Hashimoto’s is vague exhaustion. “You might experience symptoms that feel like the body is slowing down,” explained Dr. Akhunji.

This general feeling of sluggishness is hard for patients to articulate to their doctors, which is one of the reasons Hashimoto’s can be difficult to diagnose for medical professionals unfamiliar with the disease. Even patients experiencing these sensations may not understand what they indicate. Unfortunately, the symptoms of thyroid disorders can be subtle and often go undetected for years.

Here are some things to look out for if you suspect you have Hashimoto’s:

  • Dramatic weight gain
  • Memory lapses or forgetfulness
  • Heightened sensitivity to cold
  • Breaking or brittle nails
  • Thinning hair

It’s also important to note that thyroid-related hair loss results in thinning hair, rather than dramatic bald spots or bare patches across the scalp. This specific condition of hair loss caused by thyroid dysfunction is often described by experts as “diffuse hair loss.” Those suffering from Hashimoto’s may notice they have thinning, brittle hair or observe a lack of new hair growth, rather than the abrupt hair shedding associated with conditions like alopecia areata.

Dr. Akhunji says it’s critical to pay attention to the appearance of these symptoms, however minor they may appear. “If you’re worried about eyebrow hair loss or other symptoms, consider testing your thyroid,” she said. “Untreated thyroid disease can put patients at risk for even more troubling problems like cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis or infertility.”

Related: What Causes Hair Loss? Every Trigger Explained

How Hashimoto’s May Cause Hair Loss

If you’ve just been diagnosed with an autoimmune condition and are worried that all your hair is about to fall out, don’t panic. The good news is that thyroid patients generally only experience pronounced hair loss if they have a severe autoimmune response that has been left untreated over a long period of time. But how does this hair loss happen, and what’s the connection between the endocrine system and your hair?

Understanding this connection means taking a closer look at how thyroid function is connected to hair growth. The hair on your scalp doesn’t grow as a continuous unit. Instead, each follicle goes through the stages of growth one at a time, starting with growth at the root, cell by cell. This process is regulated by thyroid hormones.

“Thyroid hormones are responsible for regulating cellular metabolism, meaning the set of chemical reactions that occur in our cells to maintain normal functions,” said Dr. Akhunji. “This includes our hair and skin cells. When the thyroid gland is functioning correctly, hair follicles can regenerate themselves, going through the phases of growth, regression, shedding, then growth again.”

Once your hair has reached its peak, hair follicles begin the resting and shedding stage, known as telogen. This kind of shedding is totally normal! However, for Hashimoto’s patients and those suffering from other thyroid conditions, this hair loss period may express itself as telogen effluvium, a more dramatic form of hair loss that can be caused by many things, including stress, an imbalanced diet or an overactive thyroid.

“Your hair follicles may not be stimulated as much as they need to be when the thyroid doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormones,” explains Dr. Akhunji. “This thyroid hormone imbalance can result in hair loss, including body hair or eyebrows.” For those suffering from thyroid dysfunction, this normal stage of hair loss may not be followed by new growth, resulting in thinning patches across the scalp and even the eyebrows and eyelashes.

See: 5 Ways Hormones Impact Your Hair

What to Do If You Think You Have Hashimoto’s

Discovering you might have a thyroid condition like Hashimoto’s and the resulting hair loss can be an overwhelming prospect. Here are the steps to take to make sure you receive the care you need.

Talk to Your Doctor

First and foremost, the most important thing you can do if you think you may be experiencing thyroid dysfunction is to talk to your doctor. Your general practitioner can order blood tests to diagnose your thyroid symptoms and also refer you to a specialist who can recommend a course of thyroid medication, including thyroid hormone replacement drugs and other treatments.

Also: Anemia and Hair Loss Explained

Change Your Diet

Second to talking to a professional, changing your diet can be a critical step in your battle against thyroid disorder. People suffering from thyroid disease sometimes attempt to lose weight by skipping meals — a practice that causes blood sugar to get too low, causing autoimmune flare-ups. In addition, it’s essential that you make sure you’re getting adequate amounts of essential minerals like iron, which help support hair growth. Plus, a recent study shows that low levels of animal products in your diet may help lower oxidative stress. So load up on those fruits and veggies!

Reduce Your Stress Levels

While the evidence between stress levels and Hashimoto’s flare-ups remains inconclusive, some studies suggest that maintaining a meditation practice may help improve the quality of life of those suffering from a thyroid disorder. There’s an established link between stress and hair loss, so reducing your stress levels by going on daily walks, meditating or doing any activity that helps you clear your mind is a great step in addressing your Hashimoto’s symptoms.

Also: Why Exercise Should Be Part of Your Hair Routine

How to Help Reverse Hashimoto’s Hair Loss

Even with the best medical help, you might still find yourself in need of a little extra assistance. For all the good they can do, thyroid medications don’t specifically target the hair and scalp or promote hair growth. Instead, they focus on general hormonal conditions throughout the body. Fortunately, there are many steps you can take to help address hair loss caused by Hashimoto’s disease.

Add Supplements to Your Routine

In addition to treating an iron deficiency, supplements can also help your hair. Support your dietary balance with supplements containing essential vitamins and minerals, like GRO Biotin Gummies. The gummies include biotin, folic acid, zinc and other beneficial vitamins and minerals.

Be Proactive About Hair Wellness

In general, the best thing you can do for hair wellness is to take good preventative care of your hair and scalp. Mindfully adding bioactive touches to your daily routine, like applying lash and brow serums before putting on makeup, are great ways to be proactive. And if you’re feeling insecure while you wait for your hair to grow back, consult with your hairstylist about possible options like hair extensions.

Whether you suffer from Hashimoto’s or any other thyroid disorder, hair wellness starts from within. Support your hair’s health with a multi-pronged approach, including consulting with your doctor, reducing stress, eating a balanced diet and following a targeted hair care routine that uses proven hair wellness products.

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Photo credit: Rachel Claire/Pexels


Emily Beyda


Emily Beyda

Emily Beyda is a novelist, journalist and translator whose work has appeared in The Austin Chronicle, The Believer, Refinery29 and more. A graduate of New York University and Texas State MFA program in fiction, she is the author of two books: the novel "The Body Double" and "Suspended Whispers", a book of poetry in translation by Iranian poet Roja Chamankar. She's also the founder of The Coop Workshop, a community driven creative space.

Can Hard Water in Your Shower Lead to Hair Loss?

Ahhh, water. It’s the elixir of life and the thing that keeps us hydrated. It’s the wondrous liquid that cleans our skin and offers sweet relief on a hot summer’s day.

Though it’s generally crystal clear in color, not all water is made the same. Some water is hard, and some is soft. And often, you can’t tell the difference just by looking at it. Unfortunately, if you live in a hard water area, you’re more than likely showering with water that has a high mineral concentration. And this means you could suffer some adverse effects. Some reports suggest that hard water can create hair damage and even cause hair loss over time.

Whether you’re trying to determine whether you have hard water or you’re dealing with the unwanted side effects of it, VEGAMOUR spoke to the experts to break down the hard water issue and find the remedies that really work.

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What Is Hard Water?

Though all water tends to look the same, hard and soft water can actually be pretty different. “Hard water is generally defined as water that contains varying levels of dissolved minerals,” said Kenton Jones, a Certified Water Specialist through the Water Quality Association.”These minerals are usually calcium and magnesium, although other minerals can also make up hardness. Water hardness isn’t considered to be bad for your health. Still, it can cause problems with your home’s plumbing (limescale or mineral build up in the pipes and on fixtures), can be difficult to clean (water droplets on your shower door and dishes), and many people don’t like the feeling of hard water on their skin and hair.”

Breaking it down with further information, Jones continued, “Hard water is categorized by the USGS (Unites State Geological Survey) in 4 levels depending on the concentration of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) found in the water:

  1. Soft: 0-60 mg/L (milligrams per liter) CaCO3
  2. Moderate: 61-120 mg/L CaCO3
  3. Hard: 121-180 mg/L CaCO3
  4. Very Hard: >181 mg/L CaCO3″

On the other hand, soft water contains a high level of sodium or saltwater, which tends to be kinder to the hair and scalp and skin. As a general rule of thumb, the softer your water, the better it is for you.

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How Do You Know If You Have Hard Water?

Though it sounds pretty complex, there are some common telltale signs that hard tap water and excess calcium and magnesium leave behind.

Here are some signs you may have hard water:

  • Chalky spots: If your glasses and dishes look unclean (think white streaks), even after running them through the dishwasher, you could be experiencing excess minerals in your water.
  • Film-like feeling on your skin: If after you’ve washed your hands, you’re left with soap scum residue, it could be caused by calcium in the water reacting to the soap. Rinse your hands for longer to rid yourself of the hard water film.
  • Dry skin and scalp inflammation: As you rinse and wash for longer to help eliminate the calcium buildup, you could start to experience dryer skin.
  • Mineral deposits: In addition to stubborn water droplets in your bathroom and kitchen, you could also notice mineral stains and streaks on your clothes. And if you wash your wares in hard water for too long, your clothes could wear out faster. Not good.
  • Hair breakage or damage: Hard water doesn’t allow for any moisture to penetrate the hairs. This can impact hair health by leaving strands looking and feeling dry and brittle. One study found that hard water can decrease the thickness of hair.
  • Strange taste: If you’re left with a funny taste in your mouth after drinking tap water, your water could be hard.
  • Positive test results: “Determining if you have hard water can be pretty easy and inexpensive,” Jones said. “You can have your water tested with kits that can be purchased from hardware stores or the internet. You could also have tests conducted by a variety of qualified labs.”

If you upkeep a nourishing hair wellness routine, maintain a healthy diet and drink all the apple cider vinegar but still struggle with slow hair growth, it could be time to test your water for unwanted minerals.

Also: This Is What Chlorine Does to Your Hair

What Are the Risks Associated With Hard Water?

Though it can cause a fair amount of damage, there are no known serious health problems bought on by hard water. So while you can drink and wash quite healthily with hard water, over time, your hair and skin could start to show the effects.

Various scalp conditions can also arise if you shampoo your hair with hard water too frequently. Excess minerals (even though more minerals sounds like a good thing!) might leave you with an itchy scalp and a weaker skin barrier, which leaves it more susceptible to bacterial infections. And if you happen to have eczema, you could especially feel the negative effects.

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Does Hard Water Cause Hair Loss?

Hard water can leave residue on the hair and scalp. It can make your hair excessively dry and unpredictable to style. If hard water buildup keeps attaching to the hair, water can’t get in, and the hair strands may eventually break off. 

Cosmetologist and hair and beauty expert Ghanima Abdullah said, “If hard water causes problems for the hair, imagine what it does to the scalp! Over time, the buildup can impede the growth of the hair and even cause hair fall due to blocked hair follicles.”

Hard water hair loss issues can crop up as a result of scalp calcification. There are many substances, including dead skin, hair products and oil, that can block hair follicles and cause hair thinning, but scalp calcification occurs explicitly due to too much hard water and calcium. When there is a calcium overload, the blood vessels stiffen up, and the blood flow decreases. The reduced blood flow often means the hair follicles don’t get the essential nutrients they need, which can cause serious hair loss. This is exactly why regular scalp massages can be so effective for hair loss — they increase circulation to your scalp and you can easily target problem areas with your fingers or a handheld scalp massager.

Scalp calcification is accelerated when shampoos are thrown into the mix. The hard water combines with the formula and creates soap scum. This hardening substance clings on and can intensify hair loss and breakage. And it’s not just shampoo. Abdullah explained, “Leave-in conditioner and styling products can mix with the hard water buildup and leave a gummy layer on the hair.”

Before you panic about the quality of your water and reach for a plethora of remedies, it’s worth checking in with your dermatologist or doctor first. Hair loss can occur for many reasons, including telogen effluvium, so give yourself a little reassurance and get it properly looked at.

Learn: Is It Safe to Take Prenatal Vitamins for Hair Growth?

What Helps Hair If You Have Hard Water?

If you have hard water, you may want to consider a water softener solution. Shower filters offer a quick fix that can completely change the condition of your water by combating hard water and chlorine. Many shower filter brands also sell water softener showerheads that can improve water and make it easier on your hair and skin.

But buyer beware! Some brands have gone as far as to claim that their showerheads and filters will improve your breathing, while others promise to reduce frizz and promote shiny, healthy hair. If you’re looking for a new showerhead or shower filter, do your research.

Washing hair in hard water can cause hair to become frizzy, thin, tangled and dull. It can also create some dramatic hair fall. If you want to level up your shower game, use a clarifying shampoo or powerful pre-shower scalp treatment like GRO Scalp Detoxifying Serum once a week to decrease the buildup. An occasional diluted apple cider vinegar rinse can also help dissolve away the minerals.

If you’re experiencing dandruff or a flaky, dry scalp, you could try making a DIY hair mask such as one with an aloe vera juice, which can help soothe the situation, but always check with a healthcare professional if you’re really struggling.


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Photo credit: Andrea Davis/Unsplash


Sophie O’Kelly


Sophie O’Kelly

Sophie O’Kelly is a well-being writer with over a decade of experience working with international beauty and fashion brands. She recently qualified as a mental health therapist, teaches yoga in her spare time and writes about the psychological and physical importance of solid and ongoing self-care. She currently lives in London, England.

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Can a Dermatologist Help With Hair Loss?

Have you noticed more hair falling through your fingers as you scrub in the shower? Maybe your hair strands have been looking a little more sparse than usual. Bald spots, hair thinning and overall hair loss can plague both men and women at different points in their life.

To address hair loss issues, you might try an over-the-counter treatment or two, but if that doesn’t work, board-certified dermatologists might be able to assist. But what can a dermatologist actually do? VEGAMOUR spoke to the experts to discover how a dermatologist can help, plus find out what products you should use to combat hair thinning and loss without side effects.

How Do Dermatologists Approach Hair Loss?

Effective hair loss treatment begins with finding the root cause. Hair loss occurs for several reasons, and whether it happens suddenly or over time, an expert can help.

Anna H. Chacon, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist and author explained, “A dermatologist … can assess various conditions involving hair, skin, and nails and can address those conditions that may require additional work-up, like the scarring forms of hair loss (alopecia), central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia (CCCA) or discoid lupus — both of which can initially present as shedding/thinning.”

To find out what’s triggering hair thinning and the type of hair loss you might be living with, dermatologists gather information. Your dermatologist might do the following:

  • Ask specific questions. He or she will likely ask about your symptoms and compare them against various hair disorders. The doctor probably also will ask how long you’ve been experiencing the hair loss and whether it was a gradual process or came on quickly.
  • Perform a physical exam. Before treatment options are considered, a dermatologist will look at your hair, scalp and nails, plus check for further hair loss across the body. He or she will also look at your overall health.
  • Test the integrity of your hair. A hair pull test (gently pulling on the strands) tells a dermatologist more about the thinning hair and whether the hair is prone to breakage.

    “A thorough history and physical examination is key to working up alopecia,” said Dr. Chacon, who further explained the potential tests a dermatologist might perform.

    Pull Test

    “A decent amount of hair (40-60 strands) is gently pulled away from the scalp,” said Dr. Chacon. “A positive result is when more than 10% of hairs are pulled. However, a negative test isn’t fully conclusive in isolation from the clinical history/physical.”

    See: What to Expect From a Hair Pull Test at the Dermatologist’s Office

    Tug Test

    “A section of hair is held at the root and tip, then tugged to see if any strands break in the middle,” Dr. Chacon explained. “This test gives information about the brittleness or fragility of the strands.”

    Blood Work

    Dr. Chacon said that blood work also might be performed, including, but not limited to, complete blood count(CBC), serum iron, ferritin, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), and testosterone.

    Read: Trichologist vs. Dermatologist: Which Should You See?

    Scalp Biopsy

    Finally, the dermatologist might decide its necessary to take a scalp biopsy. Chacon explained it as: “A procedure that removes the skin and its associated components for testing and analysis by dermatopathologist in a lab,” she said.

    Common Causes of Hair Loss

    There are various types of hair loss. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, women experience hair loss for many reasons, but the most common is female pattern hair loss. Also known as androgenetic alopecia, this condition is prevalent for both men and women. In men, the condition is referred to as male pattern baldness. Male pattern hair loss can often lead to complete baldness, but in women, this is rare. Female pattern hair loss often presents as thinning overall and less so at the temples.

    Female pattern hair loss aside, there are many other causes of hair loss. In-office procedures such as blood tests could indicate an iron deficiency or vitamin deficiencies, which can trigger hair loss. Your physician might also check hormone levels to ensure an autoimmune disease isn’t present, which can affect hair follicles. Hair loss in women often happens postpartum and during menopause, and losing hair can even be a symptom of stress.

    Although female hair loss is common, if you’re concerned or exhibiting other signs, always check in with a health care professional for further investigation.

    Related: Can Anemia or Iron Deficiency Cause Hair Loss?

    Dermatologist Treatments for Hair Loss

    For genetic hair loss such as androgenic alopecia, a dermatologist might recommend the following treatments.

    Topical Minoxidil

    This potent formula widens the blood vessels to create a more expansive blood flow. Researchers believe this encourages more blood to the hair follicles, increasing circulation and stimulating hair growth. Unfortunately, though effective, minoxidil has potential side effects and can cause skin reactions such as flaking, redness, itchiness and burning. Ironically, it’s also been linked to a temporary type of hair loss called telogen effluvium and even extra facial hair, though the percentage of people affected is low.

    Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy

    This type of treatment for hair loss uses the patient’s blood to help stimulate cells and encourage hair regrowth. After the blood is drawn, it’s placed into a machine that separates it into different components. The platelets, a type of blood cell, are then treated and injected into the scalp to stimulate the cells and increase hair growth. The research is relatively sparse but promising, and many have experienced positive results.

    Prescription Medication

    As discussed, there are different types of hair loss, and they might require different prescriptions. Oral finasteride is an option for men with male pattern hair loss as it slows the rate of hair loss and stimulates hair growth. Antiandrogens include oral contraceptives and spironolactone that contain estrogen, and long-term treatment is necessary to prevent someone from losing hair. Corticosteroid medications are used when someone is suffering from an autoimmune disease. An antifungal medication might be prescribed if scalp ringworm is present.

    Laser Treatment

    Depending on the type of hair loss, low-level light therapy might stimulate hair follicles and, in turn, new growth. It often requires several sessions and can take up to a year. In one study of 41 patients over 16 weeks, a 39% increase in hair growth was seen with the use of low-level laser therapy.

    Holistic Hair Loss Tips

    A dermatologist might prescribe medication or intense therapy to encourage hair growth, but in some instances, a more natural approach can prove effective.

    Try Scalp Massages

    Chacon explained, “One holistic tip for dealing with hair loss is incorporating scalp massages into one’s daily routine. Scalp massages support hair health and prevent hair loss by promoting blood vessel vasodilation to allow more blood/nutrients/oxygen to the hair follicle. Massages can also aid in stress relief, which can help prevent hair follicles from prematurely going into the resting state, inadvertently making them weaker, which leads to increased susceptibility to breakage [and hair] falling out prematurely.”

    See: GRO Revitalizing Scalp Massager

    Changing Hair Styles

    If you constantly pull your hair back in a slick or very tight ponytail, you might damage the strands and negatively impact the health of your follicles, which can lead to hair loss. This is what’s known as traction alopecia, which is caused by the inflammation of hair follicles.

    Wash With Care

    If you’re struggling with hair loss, avoid chemical-laden shampoos and conditioners. Sulfate might create a foamy lather but can dry out brittle strands over time. Instead, a gentle, all-natural shampoo and conditioner containing powerful phyto-actives will protect frail strands and fortify follicles without chemicals.

    Eat Well

    A well-balanced diet will ensure your skin, hair and nails stay healthy and in the best condition. Stock up on berries, which can contain powerful antioxidants, and leafy greens to get extra iron, vitamins and minerals into your system.

    Read: The 5 Nutrients Your Hair Needs

    Turn Down the Heat

    Use the lowest settings on your blow dryers, straightening irons and tongs to avoid damaging strands further. If you can’t forgo the heat altogether, just use it on special occasions.

    A Holistic Approach Is the Key to Hair Health

    If you’re worried about hair loss, checking in with a dermatologist might help you understand the problem better. Some medical hair loss conditions might require prescription treatment or be irreversible, but hair loss is temporary for many.

    To amp up your hair’s overall wellness, take a holistic approach. Consider your diet and stress levels, get enough sleep, stay hydrated and use natural hair wellness products that are easy to work into your existing daily routine. You and your hair will be better for your efforts!

    More From VEGAMOUR

    • Shop: Shampoos to Combat Thinning Hair
    • Avoid These Things If You Have Thinning Hair
    • Why Am I Losing So Much Hair?

    Photo credit: CentralITAlliance/iStock


      Sophie O’Kelly


      Sophie O’Kelly

      Sophie O’Kelly is a well-being writer with over a decade of experience working with international beauty and fashion brands. She recently qualified as a mental health therapist, teaches yoga in her spare time and writes about the psychological and physical importance of solid and ongoing self-care. She currently lives in London, England.

      Sophie recommends

      GRO Revitalizing Shampoo and Conditioner Kit

      4.6 Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars1,036 Reviews

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      How To Use American Express Gift Card At Restaurant


      The power of gift cards has transcended their traditional use at stores that issue them. This is owed to payment card firms like American Express and Visa, which create cards that can be widely used across companies/businesses that support them. So, if you have a penchant for great food or drinks, you should know how to use American Express gift card at a restaurant.

      An Overview Of Using American Express Gift Card

      American Express (AMEX) gift cards work the same way you use the credit/debit cards from the payment card issuance company. The convenience and flexibility that this gift offers make it one of the best cards to have. This means that the card can be widely used, unlike closed-loop gift cards that have limited use cases.

      There are many ways to use American Express gift cards, which include for shopping at different retail stores and gas stations. The card is also one of the best restaurant gift cards that you can use or give a loved one to have a relishing dining experience.

      Interestingly, there is a wide range of restaurants, lounges, or coffee shop that support AMEX gift card payments. These include popular places like McDonald’s, Merivale, Deliveroo, Uber Eats, Sushi Hub, Zeus Street Greek, Bennelong, Casa Ristorante Italiano, Nick’s Restaurants and Bars Greek, Cho Cho San, etc.

      However, it should be noted that you can use your American Express gift card after you’ve created an AMEX account with your card. One such account is the Rewards Checking account, which enables you to earn a $2 reward from using the card. 

      The value of AMEX gift cards ranges from $25 to $3,000 – allowing you to access a variety of food and drinks at your preferred restaurant. You can use the card to order food and beverages online or at the point of payment at physical stores. 

      How To Use American Express Gift Card At Restaurant

      Here are the typical steps to use AMEX card as a payment method:

      Step 1: Visit Your Preferred Restaurant

      As stated earlier, there are many restaurants, coffee shops, and lounges that accept American Express cards and, by extension, the AMEX gift card. So, choose your preferred restaurant to purchase food or drinks offline or link.

      Step 2: Use AMEX Gift Card At Checkout

      Choose to use your American Express card for online purchases or at the cashier point at physical restaurants and other dining stores.

      Step 3: Redeem American Express Card Value

      This is the point that you need to enter your card details if you are making an online order for food and drinks. These details include your 15-digit card number, expiration date, and the 4-digit security code. 

      On the other hand, you can get AMEX gift cards at physical restaurants or coffee shops by giving the cashier to swipe or scan the card to deduct the cost of purchase from the card.

      Step 4: Payment Confirmation

      Your purchase is completed upon the successful confirmation of your payment using the American Express gift card. Your order will be processed by your preferred restaurant if you make an online payment. This is also similar to getting your food or drinks at physical shops.

      Tips To Get The Best Dining Experience With American Express Gift Card

      1. Confirm If Restaurant Accepts AMEX Card

      It is essential to confirm that your preferred restaurant supports AMEX card payments. This is because there are some stores/shops that do not accept such payments. That will prevent you from abandoning your purchase at the point of payment.

      2. Check Your AMEX Gift Card Balance

      The culture of confirming your gift card balance also applies to checking AMEX gift card balance before using it at restaurants. This gives you a clue of what your card can afford without spending above the card balance. It will also prevent encountering AMEX gift card errors due to insufficient funds during checkout.

      3. Be Aware Of Pre-Authorization

      It is possible for some restaurants to place a pre-authorization hold on your card, which is why you must have enough balance to cover your bills. For better understanding, a pre-authorization is a temporary hold placed by merchants on a card and reserve funds for a future payment transactions.

      4. Remember Tips

      While some restaurants may request tips, remember that your AMEX card may not cover the tip. Hence, you must have another form of payment, preferably cash, to settle the tips.

      Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Using AMEX Gift Card At Restaurant

      Can I Use an American Express Gift Card At A Restaurant?

      Yes, you can use AMEX gift cards at restaurants – a function of their support for American Express payment cards. Some of those restaurants are McDonald’s, Uber Eats, Casa Ristorante Italiano, Sushi Hub, etc.

      Is It Safe To Use an AMEX Gift Card At Restaurants?

      It is considerably safe to use AMEX gift cards at restaurants. You can use the card online or give it to a cashier, as you will see the amount deducted from the card.

      Are AMEX Gift Cards Accepted At Restaurants Outside the United States?

      Yes, there are restaurants in Canada and other countries that accept the AMEX card payment. So, it is not exclusive to the United States. For instance, Casa Ristorante Italiano is available in Sydney, Australia, and you can use the card there.


      American Express gift cards allow you to explore a dining experience across various restaurants, lounges, and coffee shops that support AMEX card payments. You can use the card at restaurants in different countries outside the United States.

      However, it is important to check your card balance and use the gift card at restaurants that accept its payment to enjoy a great taste of food or drinks.

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      Wire EDM Cutting: How It Works & Applications

      Wire EDM machining is an electrothermal production process that uses electric discharges to remove material from a workpiece. It is an improvement to the conventional EDM method, compatible with almost all conductive materials, and can create complex designs and shapes.

      As a result, many parts manufacturers across several industries use it, as it is highly recommended in many CNC machine shops. This article will discuss wire EDM cutting, compatible materials, and its application in many industries.


      What is Wire EDM?

      How Does Wire EDM Work?

      Components of A Wire EDM Machine

      Materials A Wire EDM Machine Can Cut

      Differences Between EDM Wire Cutting and Conventional EDM

      Pros and Cons of Wire EDM Machining

      Applications of Wire Electrical Discharge Machining



      What is Wire EDM?

      Wire electrical discharge machining is a non-contact subtractive manufacturing process that uses an electrically charged thin wire with a dielectric fluid to cut a metal part into different shapes.

      The process produces small chips and precise cut lines by melting or vaporizing the material rather than cutting it. As a result, it can conveniently machine parts unsuitable for conventional machining techniques. However, the parts must be electrically conductive.

      How Does Wire EDM Work?

      The wire-cut EDM process has a simple mechanism.

      Machining a part using the process involves submerging the workpiece into a dielectric fluid, securing it with a machinist vise, and running the wire through it to produce sparks as it passes an electric current.

      In other words, the wire carries one side of the charge, and the workpiece, which must be a conductive material, carries the other side of the charge. When the two get close, a hot electric charge jumps the gap and melts tiny pieces of the metal away.

      The electric spark is the cutting tool to cut the material in the desired shape. Additionally, the wire EDM process involves deionized water to control the process and flush away tiny particles removed.

      Components of A Wire EDM Machine

      The machine comprises several parts that work together to give a material the desired shape. Below are the components of the machine.

      1. CNC Tools

      The CNC tools control the entire operation of the Wire EDM machining process. Controlling the entire operations include being in control of the sequencing of the wire path and being able to manage the cutting process automatically.

      Note: The CNC tool’s sophistication determines the error level and the machining time.

      2. Power Supply

      The power supply unit is the component that delivers pulses (from 100V to 300V) to the wire electrode and the workpiece. Furthermore, it controls the frequency and strength of the electrical charges that pass through the wire electrode to interact with the workpiece.

      It is necessary to use a highly developed power supply unit to deliver the necessary quality and type of charges during Wire EDM machining.

      3. Wire

      The wire serves as the electrode to create the electrical discharge. The shape and thickness of the workpiece directly influence the wire’s diameter. Typically, one can use wires with diameters ranging from 0.05 to 0.25mm. The main types of wires used include

      -Brass Wires

      Brass is the most common EDM wire material because of its excellent conductive properties. It is an alloy of copper and zinc, and the higher the zinc content, the faster the wire cuts. However, there should be a balance because when the zinc content is over 40%, this decreases the corrosion rate of the brass wire.

      -Zinc coated Wires

      As the name implies, you obtain it by applying a coating of pure zinc or zinc oxide on the wire surface. Manufacturers use zinc-coated wires because it improves the machining speed.

      -Diffusion-annealed Wires

      The diffusion annealing process helps to create wires with higher zinc content (more than 40% zinc). It involves coating wires with layers of pure zinc. These wires are ideal for mass production and can machine many materials.

      -How to Choose the Right Wire

      • To choose the right EDM wire material for your project, consider the following
      • Tensile Strength
      • Fracture Resistance
      • Conductivity
      • Vaporization Temperature
      • Hardness

      4. Dielectric Medium

      The wire-cut EDM process must be carried out in a tank filled with dielectric fluid. This liquid prevents the tiny particles from the workpiece from getting attached to the wire electrode. The most common medium is deionized water which cools the process and gives the workpiece a good surface finish.

      5. Electrodes

      The electrodes in the machine are the wire (cathode) and the workpiece (anode). The servo motor controls the wire electrode, ensuring it does not come in contact with the workpiece at any point during the wire EDM cutting process.

      Materials A Wire EDM Machine Can Cut

      Wire EDM machines can create complicated shapes and patterns on a workpiece. Additionally, they can machine most materials that can conduct electricity, even the tough and delicate.

      Common shapes and materials you can cut with the machine include:


      Aluminum has excellent thermal and electrical conductivity properties. However, aluminum is naturally soft and can be challenging to cut with the process as it may result in a gummy build-up after machining.


      Wire EDM cutting is perfect for titanium because the process can withstand the stickiness of this alloy and break up lengthy chips. However, you need deionized water as the dielectric medium to help control heat generation during machining.


      Steel is a very strong metal. As a result, many manufacturers favor using a wire EDM machine over a CNC machine. However, the material generates a lot of heat, so one needs to take the necessary precautions.


      Brass is easy to cut using the machine because it has high tensile strength. However, the cutting speed should be slow because it is a soft metal.


      It may be difficult to cut graphite using conventional cutting tools. But the wire EDM process is appropriate because the wire is sharp, preventing particle pull-out.

      Differences Between EDM Wire Cutting and Conventional EDM

      The wire-cut EDM process is an improvement on conventional EDM. Their mode of operation is similar. However, they have significant differences. Below is a few difference between both machining process.


      As stated above, the electrode used in wire EDM cutting is a thin heated wire. In contrast, conventional EDM uses highly conductive metals like graphite or copper electrodes to produce electrical charges. The electrodes are in different shapes and sizes, which affects their smoothness. For example, a round electrode produces the smoothest surface. Then a square, triangle, and diamond. When the electrode is inserted into the workpiece, it forms a mold leaving a ‘negative’ impression of its shape.

      Speed of Machining

      The electrodes of conventional EDM must come in different shapes. As a result, manufacturers must create and shape them before the machining process, and this takes time. In contrast, the wire EDM machine is ready to use as soon as the wire is in position. This makes it appropriate for applications that must need to be completed quickly.


      Wire EDM machining makes use of wire as the electrode. As a result, they have better accuracy than conventional EDM. For example, the wire electrode allows them to cut at a thickness of about 0.004inches. Due to their accuracy, they become better suited for machining parts with complex shapes and designs, unlike the conventional EDM, which is more suitable for more rigid cuts.


      Wire EDM machining is versatile and can cut ferrous and non-ferrous metals, so many industries use it. Also, size and shape do not limit its use because it can machine both long parts and extremely small ones. However, conventional EDM can handle harder and thicker materials because the thickness of the wire electrode in a wire EDM machine affects its use.

      Pros and Cons of Wire EDM Machining

      Pros of Wire EDM

      • It makes precise and accurate cuts eliminating the need for further processing and finishing of the workpiece.
      • The process is suitable for creating complex designs and shapes that are otherwise challenging to produce using traditional CNC machining.
      • It is applicable in machining small parts and for cutting highly detailed items that would otherwise be too delicate for other machining options.
      • Wire EDM machining is ideal for fragile materials and cannot withstand the stress of machining.
      • With just one stage of processing, the machine cuts materials leaving no burrs or distortion.
      • The machining process cuts continuously without interruptions. Even if the wire breaks when cutting, the process continues immediately.

      Cons of Wire EDM

      • It is only compatible with materials that conduct electricity.
      • An oxide layer may develop on the cut surface of some materials, such as aluminum. Therefore, this could necessitate additional finishing, which raises the cost.
      • It has a high initial investment and maintenance cost.

      Applications of Wire Electrical Discharge Machining

      Many industries use wire EDM machines from prototyping to complete production runs. Below are some industries.

      Automotive Industry

      The parts in the automotive industry come in complex shapes and sizes and are mostly hard. As a result, the industry favors using wire EDM machines because the process does not rely on mechanical forces, and the wire electrode does not need to be stronger than the workpiece. The process applies to making holes and cavities to customize automotive car parts like bumpers, dashboards, car doors, and many more.

      Medical Industry

      Wire EDM machines produce complex parts with a high level of accuracy for use in all medical fields, including optometry and dentistry. Also, metals that work well with wire EDM services are frequently used to manufacture medical equipment.

      Since the wire’s diameter determines the cut’s size, the wire EDM machine adds tiny features to parts like dental implants and syringe components without endangering their structural integrity.

      Aerospace Industry

      Wire EDM cutting produces parts with tight tolerances and is the go-to machining process for aerospace part manufacturers. This process, alongside the waterjet cutting process, is especially used for parts that cannot withstand the high temperature and stress associated with traditional cutting tools.

      Parts in the aerospace industry need to have an excellent surface finish and be precise and accurate. Manufacturers use the wire EDM process for years to make engines, turbine blades, landing gear parts, and many more.


      Wire EDM is a versatile and precise machining process that can be used to create complex shapes and geometries. It is often used in the aerospace and medical industries, where parts need to meet tight tolerances. Wire EDM can also be used to create prototypes or one-off parts. In this article, we hope that you now have a better understanding of wire EDM.

      Looking for a professional manufacturer to implement your wire EDM cutting project?WayKen is a manufacturing services company with a deep knowledge of all CNC processes, including wire EDM. Our process enables us to create high-precision cuts for any conductive material. So, regardless of your part requirements and applications, Our EDM manufacturing experts will help you get your products made

      Simply upload your CAD file today to receive an instant quote. We’re happy to work with you to find the right solution.


      What are the other types of EDM available?

      Other than wire EDM, there is the hole drilling EDM and sinker EDM. The difference is in the electrode used. The electrodes in hole EDM are tubular and create tinier and deeper holes. On the other hand, sinker EDM uses an electrically conductive metal to form a ‘positive’ of the desired shape.

      What’s the difference between wire EDM and laser cutting?

      Laser cutting uses a high-powered thermal beam to cut materials, while a wire EDM uses electrical erosion from a wire.

      Why is deionized water used in wire cut EDM?

      Because of its low carbon property, deionized water is the dielectric medium used in wire EDM. It serves as a coolant to regulate the dielectric temperature.

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