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Keyword: wps官网下载

Quality Control For Low-Volume Manufacturing

Gordon Style provides some excellent advice about how to find the right low-volume manufacturer to suit your needs. What to look for on the factory floor, and what questions to ask about their quality control procedures, are essential to getting high quality parts on time. Take a look at the recent article in Design World magazine, an online journal for product design specialists.

Keyword: cnc turning

Happy Tails Summer Garden Teaser & Cat Toys – Frog Friends

Your cat will love wiggling in the garden and batting at the Happy Tails Summer Garden Teaser & Cat Toys Frog Friends!

  • Garden critter characters
  • Extra-long length creates irresistible action
  • Premium North American Catnip extends playtime
  • Suitable for all life stages

Why We Love It:

The Happy Tails Summer Garden Teaser & Cat Toys has an extra-long wand that satisfies hunt and capture instincts. Motion sparks hunting instincts for healthy, active play. The garden gang gives kitties an exciting visual target for pouncing. North American Premium Catnip in the ball boosts mood, to keep kitties playing longer.


Masques Capillaires : Comment Choisir le Meilleur pour Révéler l


Les masques capillaires sont des traitements essentiels pour quiconque souhaite maintenir des cheveux sains et éclatants. Que vos cheveux soient secs, abîmés, fins ou colorés, il existe un masque capillaire qui peut répondre à vos besoins spécifiques. Dans cet article approfondi, nous allons explorer les différents types de masques capillaires, comment choisir le meilleur pour vous, ainsi que des conseils pratiques pour maximiser l’efficacité de ces produits.

Pourquoi Utiliser un Masque Capillaire ?

Les masques capillaires offrent de nombreux avantages qui vont bien au-delà d’un simple soin hydratant. Voici quelques raisons convaincantes d’intégrer un masque capillaire dans votre routine de soins :

  • Hydratation : Les masques capillaires apportent une hydratation intense, ce qui est essentiel pour restaurer l’élasticité et la douceur des cheveux.
  • Réparation : Ils aident à réparer les cheveux abîmés, à réduire les fourches et à prévenir les dommages futurs.
  • Nutrition : Les ingrédients riches en nutriments renforcent la fibre capillaire et améliorent la texture globale des cheveux.
  • Protection : Un bon masque capillaire peut offrir une barrière contre les agressions extérieures comme la pollution, le soleil et la chaleur des outils de coiffage.
  • Amélioration de l’apparence : Un masque régulier peut rendre vos cheveux plus brillants, plus souples et plus faciles à coiffer.

Comment Choisir le Meilleur Masque Capillaire ?

Le choix d’un masque capillaire ne doit pas être pris à la légère. Voici quelques étapes clés pour vous aider à sélectionner le produit idéal :

1. Connaître Votre Type de Cheveux

Comprendre votre type de cheveux est la première étape pour choisir le bon masque. Voici des recommandations selon les différents types de cheveux :

  • Cheveux Secs : Optez pour des masques riches en huiles naturelles comme l’huile de coco, l’huile d’argan ou le beurre de karité. Ces ingrédients aident à réhydrater et à nourrir en profondeur.
  • Cheveux Grasses : Choisissez des masques légers, avec des ingrédients purifiants comme l’argile ou des extraits de plantes qui absorbent l’excès de sébum sans assécher les longueurs.
  • Cheveux Fins : Recherchez des masques volumisants qui ne pèsent pas sur les cheveux. Les formules légères contenant des protéines peuvent aider à renforcer sans alourdir.
  • Cheveux Bouclés : Les masques crémeux riches en humectants comme la glycérine ou le miel aident à définir les boucles tout en réduisant les frisottis.

2. Identifier Vos Besoins Spécifiques

Chaque personne a des besoins uniques en matière de soins capillaires. Voici quelques préoccupations courantes et les masques qui peuvent y répondre :

  • Cheveux Abîmés : Privilégiez les masques réparateurs qui contiennent des protéines et des acides aminés pour renforcer la structure des cheveux.
  • Cheveux Colorés : Optez pour des formules protectrices qui préservent la couleur, souvent enrichies en filtres UV et en antioxydants.
  • Cheveux Frisés : Recherchez des masques hydratants et définisseurs de boucles qui aident à contrôler les frisottis et à apporter de la brillance.
  • Scalp Sensible : Choisissez des masques apaisants contenant des ingrédients comme l’aloès ou l’huile d’arbre à thé pour réduire l’inflammation et les irritations.

Ingrédients à Rechercher

Les ingrédients d’un masque capillaire jouent un rôle crucial dans son efficacité. Voici quelques ingrédients clés à rechercher :

  • Huiles Naturelles : L’huile de coco, l’huile d’argan et l’huile d’avocat sont idéales pour nourrir et hydrater.
  • Beurres : Le beurre de karité et le beurre de cacao offrent une hydratation intense et aident à sceller l’hydratation dans les cheveux.
  • Protéines : La kératine et les protéines de soie renforcent les cheveux et aident à réparer les dommages.
  • Vitamines : La vitamine E et la vitamine B5 sont excellentes pour la santé du cuir chevelu et des cheveux.
  • Extraits de Plantes : Des ingrédients comme l’aloès vera et le thé vert peuvent offrir des propriétés apaisantes et antioxydantes.

Conseils d’Application

Pour maximiser l’efficacité de votre masque capillaire, voici quelques conseils d’application :

  • Fréquence : Utilisez un masque capillaire une fois par semaine pour des résultats optimaux, mais ajustez selon les besoins de vos cheveux.
  • Application : Appliquez le masque sur cheveux propres et humides, en insistant sur les longueurs et les pointes. Évitez d’en mettre sur le cuir chevelu si vous avez des cheveux gras.
  • Temps de Pose : Respectez le temps de pose indiqué sur l’emballage pour maximiser l’efficacité. En général, un masque doit poser entre 10 à 30 minutes.
  • Chaleur : Pour une pénétration plus profonde, couvrez vos cheveux avec un bonnet de douche ou utilisez une source de chaleur douce, comme un sèche-cheveux, pendant quelques minutes.

Les Erreurs Courantes à Éviter

Il est également important de connaître les erreurs courantes lors de l’utilisation de masques capillaires :

  • Utilisation Excessive : Trop de masque peut alourdir les cheveux et les rendre gras. Respectez la fréquence recommandée.
  • Ne Pas Rincer Correctement : Assurez-vous de bien rincer le masque pour éviter les résidus qui peuvent alourdir les cheveux.
  • Ne Pas Tester les Produits : Avant d’appliquer un nouveau masque, effectuez un test sur une petite mèche pour éviter les réactions indésirables.


Choisir le bon masque capillaire peut transformer la santé et l’apparence de vos cheveux. En tenant compte de votre type de cheveux et de vos besoins spécifiques, vous pourrez révéler toute la beauté de votre chevelure. N’oubliez pas d’expérimenter avec différents masques pour trouver celui qui vous convient le mieux. Avec une utilisation régulière et des soins appropriés, vos cheveux seront non seulement beaux, mais également en pleine santé.

Questions Fréquemment Posées

Voici quelques questions courantes concernant les masques capillaires :

  • Quand devrais-je appliquer un masque capillaire ?
    Il est préférable d’appliquer un masque capillaire après votre shampooing, sur des cheveux propres et humides.
  • Combien de temps dois-je laisser le masque sur mes cheveux ?
    Le temps de pose varie selon le produit, mais en général, entre 10 et 30 minutes est recommandé.
  • Puis-je utiliser un masque capillaire tous les jours ?
    Il n’est pas recommandé d’utiliser un masque capillaire tous les jours, car cela peut alourdir les cheveux. Une fois par semaine est généralement suffisant.

En suivant ces conseils et recommandations, vous serez en mesure de choisir le meilleur masque capillaire pour répondre à vos besoins et révéler la beauté de vos cheveux.

H1800 New Concrete Hollow Block Making Machine with Upgraded Hyd

Product Description

H1800 Full Automatic Hydraulic Hydraform Concrete Cement Hollow Block Making Machine
1. Particular storage and description material system insure the feeding accuracy and avoiding the effect of exterior material. So the products have high density.

2. Adopting synchronization vibration insures the products making average. The frequency can change according to different technics. Low frequency in feeding material, high frequency vibration makes the different material to have a optimal vibration way.

The computer is of fault diagnosis system. Warning signal is propitious to eliminate the fault. Combine with long-distance controlling system, it can achieve scrutiny, controlling, diagnosis

3. PLC intelligent control: Man-machine interface, control system equipped with complete logic control, production program, malfunction diagnosis system and remote control function. So it doesn’t need a professional person but only need a simple training to the operator.

4. It produces various bricks/blocks including color-face bricks (layered material feeding),through-body tiles,lock linkage blocks, road curb bricks, hydraulic blocks,hollow blocks, perforated bricks, and standard bricks etc.

Technical Parameter

Model H1800
Host Machine Size 5800x1960x3100mm
Pallet Size 960x850mm
Vibration form Platform vibration
Vibration frequency 3000-5200r/min
Molding Time 15-20s
Host machine power 55.5Kw


Product Advantages

Block Sample

Our Customer


If you want to know more details about concrete block machine, please feel free to contact me. 


Rose Variety i2i – Intermediate Hybrid Tea Roses


This time we are testing the rose ‘i2i’ in our flower test, this is a new variety of Bloomingdale Roses.


  • Name: i2i
  • Colour: Cerise / Purple
  • Grower: Bloomingdale Roses
  • Country: Kenya
  • Length: 70cm 

First Impression:

This is a complete new variety, the colour is pink on the inside and a little bit more purple/cerise on the outside.

The bud feels hard and they have a lot of thorns.

At first sight it’s a beautiful rose but I would be surprised when they open up. 

After 7 days:

It’s a beautiful and strong rose but just a few opened up, the rest just stay the way I bought them as you can see in the picture. (The rose on the right stayed completely closed)

After 10 days:

They are still there but it doesn’t look like they’re going to change a lot more, I think they are asleep.


It’s a beautiful rose and I would say they’re just ok.

It’s not really an eyecatcher, they won’t open up very easy and they have a lot of thorns.

But the colour is nice and althought there are just a few in a bunch which will change during the week they will last 7-10 days.

Positive Points:

  • Beautiful bright colour
  • Strong rose 
  • Their vaselife is just fine with 7-10 days

Negative Points

  •  Not a real special rose or an eyecatcher
  • A lot of thorns
  • 40% didn’t open up

Keyword: flower trade


本教程适用版本:WPS 365 点击免费使用

我们使用Excel 时会遇到NOT函数判断指定的条件是否满足条件,那么如何进行操作呢?下面我们以一组学生的成绩为例来分享具体步骤和方法。










Keyword: wps官网

Industrial Coating Types: Their Properties, Process, and Benefit

Understanding the different types of industrial coatings can shape an engineer’s or designer’s approach to part application. Hence, part manufacturers must have conscious knowledge of these different types of coatings and invest in their use.

Coating processes occur at the end of production, each suitable for different materials and applications. To ensure a quality final part, this article will introduce the meaning of industrial coating, the different types, and how to choose the right one.


What are Industrial Coatings?

Types of Industrial Coatings

What are Things to Consider When Choosing Industrial Coatings?



What are Industrial Coatings?

Industrial coatings are a layer of special materials applied to a part’s surface to protect, decorate, and improve/add functionality. The most common function of industrial surface coating is protecting the final part from abrasion, corrosion, or UV radiation.

These types of industrial coatings are important post-finishing in the manufacturing, construction, automotive, aerospace, and marine industries.

Types of Industrial Coatings

Many industrial coating processes find use in the part manufacturing sector. This section will introduce the common ones, processes, compatible materials, benefits and limitations.

Epoxy Coating

Epoxy coating is the application of an epoxy layer created by a resin and a hardener to a part. The final part has better mechanical properties and chemical resistance. Epoxy coating is common in industrial, commercial, and residential settings.

Materials Supported by Epoxy Coating

Epoxy is compatible with metal, plastic, wood, brick, ceramics, and concrete. However, the coating does not adhere to silicone, vinyl, rubber, parchment, and wax.

Properties of Epoxy Coating

  • High Durability: Epoxy-coated parts have better durability due to enhanced hardness and abrasion resistance.
  • Chemical Resistance: The epoxy coating is excellently resistant to chemicals, including acids, alkalis, solvents, and petroleum products.
  • Thermal Stability: These coated parts have high thermal stability with a maximum service temperature of 71°C to 300°C that allows them to function without degrading.
  • High Corrosion Resistance: Epoxy coatings are impervious to moisture, which is a culprit for corrosion.
  • Aesthetic Versatility: The coating process comes in several colors and finishes tailored to several visual appeals.

How Does Epoxy Coating Work?

After surface preparation, which involves cleaning the substrate to remove contaminants like dust, oil, and grease, mix the resin and the hardener according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Apply the mixture on the part surface using a brush or and cure the epoxy-coated part to harden the coating.

Applications of Epoxy Coating

  • Automotive chassis coatings, engine component coatings;
  • Marine ship hulls, boat decks;
  • Aircraft wings, fuselage sections;
  • Circuit board coatings, electronic component insulation;
  • Interior and exterior of oil pipelines, and storage tanks.

Benefits of Epoxy Coating

  • Long-lasting protection against wear, impact, and abrasion;
  • Superior resistance to many chemicals;
  • Available in various colors and finishes;
  • Compatible with metal, concrete, plastic, and wood.

Limitations of Epoxy Coating

  • Requires careful surface preparation, which increases production costs and time;
  • Susceptible to UV rays, which can cause degradation;
  • Produce toxic fumes;
  • The coating is not flexible, so if the part cracks, it can affect the coating.

Polyurethane Coating

Polyurethane coatings form after reacting a polyol or a polyamine and an isocyanate with firm, durable, flexible, chemical resistant, and abrasion resistant surface coating. Their flexibility ensures they expand to match the substrate’s expansion. However, they do not absorb impacts, restricting their use to the automotive, flooring, and marine sectors.

Materials Supported by Polyurethanes Coating

Polyurethane is quick-drying and is compatible with use on wood, metal, or painted surfaces.

Properties of Polyurethane Coating

  • High Durability: Polyurethane coatings offer exceptional durability due to their firmness, flexibility, abrasion, and chemical resistance.
  • Flexibility: The coating can expand and contract alongside the substrate without cracking or peeling.
  • Chemical Resistance: Polyurethane coatings highly resist chemicals like acids, alkalis, solvents, and oils.
  • UV Resistance: Unlike epoxy coatings, polyurethane coatings do not degrade on exposure to UV light.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: The coating finishes come in several colors and finishes.

How Does Polyurethane Coating Work?

Polyurethane coating involves cleaning the part surface and applying a primer to improve its adhesion. Mixing the two components (a polyol or polyamine and an isocyanate), applying the polyurethane mixture to the part using a brush, roller, or spray equipment, and curing will create a polyurethane-coated part.

Applications of Polyurethane Coating

  • Aerospace: Provide insulation for the craft and its passengers, window panes, and exterior light coverings;
  • Automotive: Seat cushions, bumpers, doors, and spoilers;
  • Construction: Flooring, steel and concrete supports, finished architectural features;
  • Military: Sealing and exterior protection for aircraft, naval vessels, and personal protective equipment for soldiers.

Benefits of Polyurethane Coating

  • Long-lasting protection against wear, impact, and environmental factors;
  • It can expand and contract alongside the substrate to prevent cracking and peeling;
  • Excellent chemical and UV resistance;
  • Available in numerous colors and finishes.

Limitations of Polyurethane Coating

  • The surface layer yellows with time;
  • No impact absorption.

Polysiloxane Coating

Polysiloxane coatings are advanced protective coatings composed of silicon-oxygen bonds, which are immensely responsible for their exceptional durability, UV stability, and flexibility. It is a strong, waterproof polymer made of polymers that form successive layers of tight films, making it highly resistant to environmental factors.

Materials Supported by Polysiloxane Coating

Polysiloxane coatings are compatible with steel, aluminum, galvanized metal, concrete, plastics, glass, wood, ceramics, and composite materials.

Properties of Polysiloxane Coating

  • Durability: Polysiloxane coatings offer long-lasting protection against physical damage and environmental wear.
  • UV Resistance: The coating process is resistant to UV radiation.
    Flexibility: Like polyurethane coating, it expands to mimic the substrate movements without cracking or peeling.
  • Chemical Resistance: The coating resists chemicals like solvents, acids, and alkalis.
  • Thermal stability: The coating process can function in high temperatures, about 300 °C without degrading.

How Does Polysiloxane Coating Work?

Clean the part and apply a primer to improve the part’s adhesion. Afterward, mix the base and curing agent according to the manufacturer’s instructions and apply the mixed Polysiloxane coating using brushes, rollers, or spray equipment. Cure the just-coated surface for a specified period.

Applications of Polysiloxane Coating

  • Marine ship hulls;
  • Protecting offshore platforms and pipelines in the oil and gas industry;
  • Coating bridges and overpasses;
  • Automotive Body panels;
  • Wind turbine blades;
  • Storage tanks and chemical processing equipment.

Benefits of Polysiloxane Coating

  • Long-lasting protection against physical and environmental damage;
  • They perform well in harsh conditions, including UV radiation, moisture, and chemical exposure;
  • They are flexible;
  • Stability across a wide temperature range;
  • Many formulations are environmentally friendly with low VOC emissions.

Limitations of Polysiloxane Coatings

  • It can become brittle;
  • Typically more expensive than polyurethanes.

Zinc-Rich Coating

A zinc-rich coating is a layer of zinc particles deposited on a part that provides a substrate with good corrosion resistance and aesthetic value. The zinc layer is a sacrificial material that works because it is more reactive than the substrate. As a result, it absorbs the oxygen molecule that would corrode the substrate even when scratched.

Materials Supported by Zinc Coating

Zinc coating is compatible with metals like steel, iron, and aluminum and is primarily used to protect them from corrosion.

Properties of Zinc Coating

  • Durability: Zinc coatings offer long-lasting protection against corrosion and physical damage.
  • Corrosion Resistance: Zinc acts as a sacrificial anode, corroding in place of the base metal.
  • Adhesion: Provides excellent adhesion to a variety of base metals.
  • Conductivity: It maintains good electrical conductivity.
  • Thermal Stability: Zinc coated can withstand temperatures up to about 200°C without significant degradation.

How Does Zinc Coating Work?

Clean the surface to remove contaminants and pretreat the surface with pickling, degreasing, or abrasive blasting to enhance adhesion. Afterward, use hot-dip galvanizing, electroplating, or spraying to coat the surface with zinc. Allow the zinc-coated part to cool, and inspect for uniformity and coverage.

Applications of Zinc Coatings

  • Ship hulls and marine equipment;
  • Bridges, overpasses, and structural steel;
  • Automotive body panels and undercarriages;
  • Transmission towers and wind turbine components.

Benefits of Zinc Coatings

  • Provides durable protection against corrosion;
  • Effective in various harsh conditions, including moisture and chemical exposure;
  • Often more economical than other protective coatings, e.g., epoxy coating;
  • Application methods are well-established and straightforward.

Limitations of Zinc Coatings

  • Less effective at very high temperatures above 200 °C;
  • It requires periodic maintenance and touch-ups in aggressive environments;
  • It can develop a dull appearance over time.

Ceramic Coating

Ceramic coating is a permanent or semi-permanent solution that involves applying a polymer solution to a part’s surface. The coating blends with the surface and creates a hydrophobic layer of protection.

It is common in the automotive industry, especially in painting. The chemical bonding and creation of a new layer leave the car’s factory paint job untouched.

Materials Supported by Ceramic Coating

Ceramic coating is compatible with various materials, including metals (steel, aluminum, titanium), plastics, glass, composites, etc.

Properties of Ceramic Coating

  • Ceramic-coated parts can withstand high temperatures, often exceeding 1000°C;
  • The coating is resistant to chemicals like solvents, acids, and alkalis;
  • Ceramic coatings provide a hard, protective layer that resists scratches and abrasions;
  • They protect materials from oxidation and corrosion.

How Does Ceramic Coating Work?

Ceramic coatings are applied through thermal spraying, which involves using high-temperature plasma or flame to melt ceramic powders, spraying the molten ceramic onto the substrate, and allowing it to cool. Other methods include dip and spin coating, which involves immersing or spinning the substrate in a ceramic slurry. Afterwards, the part is dried and sintered.

Applications of Ceramic Coating

  • Protecting machinery and tools from wear and high temperatures;
  • Coating of gas turbines and boilers;
  • Insulating electronic components and circuit boards;
  • Coating medical implants and devices;
  • Food processing equipment and containers;

Benefits of Ceramic Coating

  • Effective in extremely high-temperature conditions;
  • Resistant to various chemicals, enhancing durability;
  • Offers a hard, scratch-resistant surface;
  • Protects materials from oxidation and corrosion;
  • Reduces friction, improving efficiency in moving parts.

Limitations of Ceramic Coating

  • It is more expensive than other types of coatings;
  • Requires specialized equipment and expertise for proper application;
  • It can be brittle and may crack under certain conditions;
  • Requires thorough surface preparation for optimal adhesion;
  • It often requires a thicker application, which may only be suitable for some applications.

Metallic Coating

Similar to zinc coating, metallic coatings involve protecting a part with a layer of metallic particles such as aluminum, nickel, chromium, etc. Each metallic particle has unique functions. For example, chromium coating can protect parts from corrosion, while aluminum improves corrosion resistance and aesthetics.

Materials Supported by Metallic Coating

Metallic coatings are compatible with various metals including steel, aluminum, and titanium.

Properties of Metallic Coating

  • Corrosion Resistance: They protect underlying materials from oxidation and chemical damage.
  • Adhesion Strength: High-quality metallic coatings bond strongly with the substrate, ensuring durability.
  • Electrical Conductivity: Metallic coatings often improve electrical conductivity for electronic components.
  • Hardness: It provides increased surface hardness, improving wear resistance.
  • Ductility: Some metallic coatings maintain flexibility, preventing cracks during deformation.

How Does Metallic Coating Work?

After cleaning the part surface to remove contaminants that can reduce the final part’s quality, apply the metallic coating by thermal spraying or electroplating. Thermal spraying involves melting the metal powders, spraying the molten metal onto the substrate, and allowing it to cool.

On the other hand, electroplating involves immersing the substrate in a solution containing metal ions. When an electric current passes through the solution, metal ions are deposited on the substrate.

Applications of Metallic Coating

  • Coated gas turbines and boilers in the power generation industry;
  • Coating medical implants and devices for improved biocompatibility and corrosion resistance.

Benefits of Metallic Coating

  • Excellent corrosion resistance;
  • Long service life;
  • Improved reflectivity.

Limitations of Metallic Coating

  • The coating won’t work with all surface types;
  • It requires huge maintenance, which can increase production costs;
  • It does not offer much protection from water spots.

What are Things to Consider When Choosing Industrial Coatings?

Selecting the ideal industrial coating depends on understanding the coating process and some factors that can affect its Use. This section will introduce several factors that can aid in selecting the best coating process for your project.

Substrate Type

Every coating process highlighted above has a specific substrate it is compatible with. For example, metallic coatings are majorly compatible with metals, while epoxy is compatible with metals, wood, and concrete.

The substrate’s need can also affect the choice of coating. Polyurethane coating is a common method for anti-corrosive properties with UV protection for metals, wood, and plastic.

Environmental Conditions

The environment of use can also determine the coating process. Consider weather, temperature, UV, and chemicals. Choose a coating technique that will provide the necessary attributes.

For example, polysiloxane coating is a better option than epoxy coating when looking for a corrosion and UV-resistant part.


Practical considerations such as ease of application, drying time, and curing conditions can also determine the surface coating technique.

Epoxy, polyurethane, and polysiloxane coatings differ from zinc plating based on the application process. The three require mixing the bases and using rollers, sprays, or brushes. Zinc coating, however, goes a step further by allowing hot dip galvanizing.

Performance Requirements

The performance of the part will require a unique degree of resistance to corrosion, abrasion, impact, etc. This, in turn, will determine the ideal coating process for your project. When you are looking for a part with UV resistance, epoxy coating is not the best option compared to polysiloxane and polyurethane. You should choose a method that ensures you meet your performance goals.

Cost Considerations

The cost of the indented process will shape your choice. However, choose a process that concerns performance while not breaking the bank. For example, zinc coating is a cheaper process than epoxy coating.

Regulatory Compliance

The regulation associated with using the part can also determine your coating processes. As a result, you should ensure you comply with the standards governing industrial coatings and opt for coatings techniques that meet industry-specific certifications and standards.


Coating can improve the part’s structure, function, and application. Understanding its uniqueness as a post-production process is important. This article introduced the different types of coating and how to choose the right one.


Is Coating Worth it?

Yes, the coating is worth it because it enhances appearance and functionality. Benefits of coatings include improved corrosion resistance, durability, and shielding against environmental conditions.

What is the Difference Between Coating and Painting?

The most simple way to differentiate between coating and paint is that paint is a type of coating, but not all coatings are paints. Painting is a thin and running substance used to add color. On the other hand, coatings are to protect and are optimized for adhesion.

What is the Coating for Galvanized Steel?

The common type of coating for galvanized steel is zinc coating using galvanization. It is highly corrosion resistant because the zinc coat provides barriers against corrosion and improves the mechanical properties of the galvanized steel.

Keyword: cnc cutting


本教程适用版本:WPS 365 点击免费使用














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Keyword: wps官网下载

How to Drill A Hole in Metals and Plastics

Manufacturing most parts needs drilling holes through the workpiece. While the process might sound straightforward, it requires the right method, tools, or drilling machines to get an excellent job. The method and tools used to drill metal and plastics differ due to their material properties.

In this article, we’d discuss how to drill a hole through metals and plastics and the tools required to drill the perfect hole. We’d also highlight different drilling machines and bits you can use for drilling purposes.


How to Drill Holes Through Metals?

How to Drill Holes Through Plastics?

Different Drilling Machines to Drill A Hole

7 Types of Hole-making Tools

Considerations and Tips for Drilling Holes

Choose Wayken for Your Hole Drilling Projects



How to Drill Holes Through Metals?

There are several reasons why engineers and craftsmen drill holes through metals. The reasons could be structural, functional, aesthetic, or as one of the processes after milling. Regardless of the reason or purpose of the hole, here is how to drill a hole through metal.

Get the Right Drill Press and Bits for Metalworking

The drill press features an adjustable table placed under a motor-driven spindle. It also features a bit-holding chuck for lowering the spinning drill into the metal. To control the depth of the drilled hole, the operator raises or lowers the drill-press table or sets a depth stop.

Depending on the metal thickness, two major types of drill bits are used for making metal holes. The first is the sheet metal bit. This drill bit is ideal for drilling thin metals, as it cuts the metal in such a way that it does not tear. The other is the high-speed twist bit is ideal for thicker metals. This bit features a shank and flute that carry debris out of the hole.

Mark the Hole on Metal

It is best to mark the hole to ensure you are drilling the right area of the metal. You can do this by using a scriber and a ruler to draw short lines intersecting at the center of the hole. It is best to make a small dent on the marked center point using a center punch to prevent the bit from wandering when the drilling commences.

Adjusting the Speed

Whether it is drilling holes, grinding, or other CNC process, speed plays a major role in determining precision. You can adjust or change drill speeds by opening the drill press belt guard and unscrewing the motor-housing knob to release tension built on the pulleys. Afterward, you can push the motor frame forward to ease slipping the pulley belt from one level to another.

Please note that the lowest speeds correspond to the lowest pulleys, while you can achieve the fastest speeds by looping the belt around the highest pulleys.

Drilling the Hole

To commence drilling, put the drill bit to make holes into the chuck and tighten it. Then clamp the metal workpiece onto the machine table or in a vise. Turn the drill press and drill while applying even pressure.

Keep your workpiece free from debris by brushing off shavings and chips as you drill. Add cutting fluid as you work to reduce friction and make cutting seamless. After drilling, retract the bit from the hole and turn off the power.

Tips to Drill A Hole in Metal

Drilling holes into the metal with a drill press can be risky. For instance, a workpiece clamped too loosely could get caught and sent flying by the spinning bit. So, to avoid accidents when using the drill press, it is best to avoid holding the workpiece with your hand while drilling. Instead, use at least two C clamps to hold the workpiece to the table.

Additionally, avoid wearing gloves when using the drill press, as loose fabric from the glove could get caught in the bit. Lastly, wear safety goggles to protect your eyes from chips and shavings.

How to Drill Holes Through Plastics?

Unlike drilling through metals, drilling holes wrongly through plastic would result in cracks and splinters. These defects could damage the aesthetics as well as the functionality of the part or product. To avoid these, here is how to drill a hole through plastic the right way.

Get Tools Ready

The tools you would need for successful drilling include a pencil, ruler, clamp, painter’s tape, twist bit, sandpaper, and lubricant.

Mark the Drill Spot

Using the ruler and pencil, mark the areas on the plastic where you want to drill. This marking would help reduce possible drilling errors.

Secure the Plastic

Secure the plastic using a clamp on a surface that is stable and large enough to accommodate the area of the plastic you want to drill. The procedure for securing the plastic when drilling a hole is similar to that of boring machining, and it helps reduce the tendency for resistance to interfere with drilling.

Check for the Correct Drill Bit Size and Insert 

After securing the plastic, the next step would be double-checking for the correct bit size. On confirmation of drill size, place the bit in the drill and tighten it. Then move the drill forward.

Start with the Slowest Drill Speed

If your drill has an adjustment knob, choose the slowest drill speed. But if it does not, lightly place the bit on the plastic before drilling. During drilling, always monitor the consistency of chips produced. If you notice chips are beginning to gum up, it is best to stop drilling that area to allow it to cool.

Tips for Drilling Holes Through Plastic

Drilling hole through plastic is not an easy process, which is why you must follow basic tips to get right. Here are tips for drilling a hole through the plastic.

  • Do not drill the plastic continuously. Instead, stop often to avoid overheating, which could melt the plastic.
  • Start drilling the plastic with a slow speed, and increase speed as drilling progresses.
  • Always use a clamp to hold the plastic workpiece in place to avoid accidents.
  • After drilling, ensure to remove the sports on the plastic workpiece.

Different Drilling Machines to Drill A Hole

Drilling machines come in various designs, each created with a specific use. Here are some of the common machine types.

1. Radial Arm CNC Drill Press

This drilling machine has its spindle mounted on a rotatable arm. This arm rotates around the column, allowing the radial movement of the spindle, feed mechanism, and drill head. One benefit of this machine is that it allows drilling in multiple locations without changing the workpiece’s position.

2. Multiple Spindle Drilling Machine

This machine simultaneously drills several holes into a single workpiece, following the same pattern for each section. It is ideal for manufacturing similar parts in large quantities.

3. Gang Drilling Machine

A gang drilling machine comprises numerous independent columns, each mounted to a common base and equipped with its motor and spindle. These tools are generally employed when several subsequent operations, such as drilling and tapping-threaded holes, must be carried out.

4. Turret-Type Drilling Machine

A spinning turret is the focal point of a turret drilling machine. This machine is typically ideal for mass production drilling, where numerous holes of various sizes and depths must be drilled in a single piece. One hole is only ever drilled at a time by turret-style drilling equipment.

5. Micro Drill Press

This small drilling device uses a manually controlled feed to make extremely precise microscopic holes. These machines are used in industries like electronics or jewelry production where precise, little holes are needed.

6. Upright CNC Drill Press

This machine features a power feed mechanism that drives the tool into the workpiece without human intervention. Furthermore, upright drilling machines are ideal for heavy-duty applications due to their robust construction.

7 Types of Hole-making Tools

1. Drill Bits

These tools make it economical and easy to machine holes. Drill bits function by axially entering the workpiece before cutting a blind through a hole. There are different types of drill bits ideal for you in a variety of industries.

The common drill bits include twist drill bit, center drill bit, tap drill bit, spot drill bit, Masonry drill bit, and step drill bit.

2. Reamers

Reamers are often used after drilling to get holes with the most precise hole diameter. The chuck reamer is the kind of reamer type that is most frequently used. There are also Morse taper reamers, automobile reamers, reamers for welding equipment, taper pin reamers, and reamers for die makers.

3. Hole Cutters

Cutting precisely round holes in metal, wood, and other materials requires hole cutters, also known as hole saws. These tools can cut much wider diameters than a typical drill bit. They are also a very effective substitute for other tools because they simply need to cut the hole’s perimeter. Hole cutters have separate carbide-tipped cutting teeth, just like circular saw blades.

4. Countersinks & Chamfering Drill Bits

Drill bits with chamfers and countersinks are ideal for drilling cone-shaped holes in objects. Furthermore, a countersink bit expands an existing hole with a cone-shaped opening at the top when it enters a workpiece axially. These commercial hole-punching devices let fasteners sit well against a workpiece.

Tool bits for countersinking and chamfering are available in various sizes and forms for the drilling needs as well as preferences. Angles like 60°, 82°, 90°, 100°, 118°, and 120° are typical countersink angles.

5. Center Drills

Center drills feature a pilot drill and countersink. On a workpiece, they are typically utilized to create a center hole for easy turning between centers and support for the load as it rotates. Due to their extreme stiffness and low propensity to wander, these hole-making instruments are advantageous. Additionally, the average center drill bit hole angle is 60°.

6. Broaches

This is a multi-toothed tool that drills holes. Its length makes the broach ideal for making deeper cuts. Broaching is an important phase of drilling as it facilitates the production of parts with an incredible surface finish. This tool’s most common types include shell, keyway, push and pull, external surface, and internal broaches.

7. Counterbores Bits

Counterboring, typically done after drilling, is perfect for applications where a fastener must sit square with a workpiece surface. Typically, these counterbores making instruments have two different cutting diameters: one for the hole and one for the recess in the head.

Considerations and Tips for Drilling Holes

Like CNC engraving or other CNC machining processes, there are some challenges associated with hole drilling, especially deep holes. Here are some tips to take into consideration when drilling holes.

Select the Right CNC Drilling Head

Numerous drill bits exist based on their construction, design, and intended uses. Choosing the proper CNC drilling head can be difficult and is a common cause of many drilling problems. By verifying compatibility, you can be sure you are using the right drilling head. A better choice would be to discuss the optimal strategy with a drilling specialist or service provider.

Chip Removal and Breaking

Whether you are drilling holes through metals or plastics, ensure to clear up the chips during and after the hole drilling process. Controlling them is crucial because they can lead to a variety of issues.

One way to control chip formation is by using a special chip-breaking bit to split the chips apart, making them simpler to remove and install a chip breaker. Additionally, reducing them to smaller chips enhances drilling performance and heat dissipation. Use an intermittent feed while increasing the feed.

Feeds and Speeds

The material type and shape determine the feed rate and drilling speed you would use for the procedure. Generally, the best-recommended feed rate to drill a pilot hole (maximum ½’’ diameter) through hard plastic is using a positive feed of 0.005’’ to 0.015 per revolution and 600 to 1000 rpm. However, metals can take a fast feed rate, while drilling plastics at a fast rate could result in splintering and cracks.

Choose Wayken for Your Hole Drilling Projects

Wayken is an ISO-certified company specializing in hole making and CNC machining services for different machined parts regardless of internal features’ complexity and close tolerances. We focus on our customer’s economic drivers, guaranteeing cost reduction and reduced lead times. Want to know more about our hole drilling service or request a quote? Contact us today.


Drilling is an important aspect of product and part manufacture as it creates holes for assembly and coupling. While the drilling process sounds relatively straightforward, it is usually not so, as it requires technical expertise for a professional finish.


What is the CNC code for drilling a hole?

There are three major CNC codes for drilling holes; G81, G82, and G83. The G81 is the most common cycle. An example of typical G81 queues is X50.0, Y30.0, Z-10.0, R1.0, and F50.0 in G81: The initial hole’s location about the datum is represented by the ‘X’ and ‘Y’ coordinates.

How deep can a CNC drill?

Drilling should never go deeper than 12 times the closest bit diameter. Drill bits that are this long or longer lose stiffness and the ability to maintain a tight tolerance and are more likely to break. Consider making the hole diameter larger if you do need to dig deeper.

What tool is best for drilling holes?

Cutting precisely round holes in metal, wood, and plastic materials better choose hole cutters, also known as hole saws. This metalworking equipment can cut much wider diameters than a typical drill bit.