The Seven Major CNC Machining Techniques

Although there are many new and emerging manufacturing technologies, there is still no substitute for the reliability and efficiency of CNC machining. Every day, millions of precision parts in a variety of substrates are made using one or more of these CNC machining techniques. Let’s take a closer look at the seven most common ones that we use every day to make high-quality rapid prototypes and production parts.


Probably the very first machine operation in history, turning simply involves clamping a workpiece firmly onto a rotating plate or mandrel. As the workpiece spins, the cutting tool is held against it in a fixture mounted on a moving slide. The slide can be moved up and down the length of the workpiece, as well as closer to or away from the center line. These simple machining techniques are ideal for removing large amounts of material quickly. In addition, a drill bit mounted on the tailstock can bore precise holes down the centerline of the workpiece.

Lathes are used to make concentric shapes on the outer circumference of a round part. Slots, ring grooves, stepped shoulders, internal and external threads, cylinders and shafts – many round or circular features are made on a lathe. They are also able to produce characteristically smooth and uniform surface finishes.


Milling differs fundamentally from turning in that the workpiece is held stationary and the cutting tool rotates on a spindle. The workpiece is usually held horizontally in a machine vise, mounted on a table that moves in the X and Y directions. The spindle holds a variety of cutting tools and moves in the X, Y and Z axes.

Although a mill can also drill holes and bores, it excels at removing stock from more complex and asymmetrical parts. Mills are used to make square/flat faces, notches, chamfers, channels, profiles, keyways and other features that depend on precisely cut angles. Together, milling and turning are responsible for the majority of CNC machine tool operations.

As with all metal machining operations, cutting fluid is used to cool the workpiece and cutting tool, for lubrication and to flush away metal particles.

Surface Grinding

Making a very flat surface on metal parts is important for many applications and the best way to make such a precise surface is with a grinder. The grinder is a spinning disk covered with an abrasive grit of a specific coarseness. The workpiece is mounted on a table and is moved back and forth laterally beneath the abrasive wheel or is sometimes held firm while the wheel moves. Notice of course that this process can only be used on faces that are not interfered with by any protrusions sticking up from the surface.

Different types of abrasives are used depending upon the material being ground. The heat and mechanical stress of the grinding process can adversely effect the work piece so care must be taken to control tool speed and temperature.

Solid Sink EDM

  A conductive electrode is placed close to the work piece while bathed in a dielectric fluid. The electrode is precisely shaped for the feature that it’s cutting. As the electrode discharges, metal particles are forced off the surface of the workpiece. The electrode itself does not touch the workpiece but is sacrificial and may need to be replaced frequently.

EDM is used to make pockets, holes and square features inside of hardened tool steels that would be difficult, if not impossible, to make any other way. It’s typically used on molds for plastic injection and pressure die casting, rarely on the finished piece itself. EDM is also used for making textured surfaces or debossed (recessed) lettering and logos on mold tools.

Wire EDM

Wire EDM uses copper wire as a conductor for a high-voltage electric charge. Fresh wire is fed from a spool as the conductor is steadily eroded during the cutting process. This technique requires a pass through and can’t be used in a blind hole.

Wire EDM is used on thick, hardened tool steel to make circular or semi-circular features that would be very difficult to make with conventional cutting tools.

Cylindrical Grinding

This is a combination of surface grinding and lathe turning. The workpiece is usually held stationary while a circular or cylindrical grinding wheel is rotated against its surface. Cylindrical grinders can be used on both inside and outside diameters, either all the way through the length of the part or at partial depths.

The great advantage of this process is that it makes very precise and accurate tolerances with extremely smooth surface texture.

Optical Grinding

So far we’ve been only talking about machining metals, but CNC machining is also used for making specialty optics in glass or plastic. Optics require very fine surfaces with extremely close tolerances, so specialized grinding equipment is used that spins a grinding wheel against a surface while rotating on multiple axes.

This has the effect of averaging out any deviations from the nominal. Grinding paste is also used as a lubricant and to create a polished finished surface.


We like working with informed customers. We think it’s better for you if you know how parts are made and why some techniques are chosen over others. We encourage you to contact us for a free quotation and we can recommend the best service for your next project.

Ctriporin, an anti-methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus P

Click:ecolchi collagen mask

Solution structures and model membrane interactions of Ctriporin, an anti-methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Peptide from Scorpion Venom.  Bandyopadhyay S, Junjie RL, Lim B, Sanjeev R, Xin WY, Yee CK, Hui Melodies SM, Yow N, Sivaraman J, Chatterjee C., Biopolymers2014, 101, 1143-53.

Ctriporin peptide (Ctr), a novel antimicrobial peptide isolated from the venom of the scorpion Chaerilus tricostatus, shows a broad-spectrum of antimicrobial activity and is able to inhibit antibiotic resistant pathogens, including Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Methicillin Resistant Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus, and Penicillin Resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis strains. To understand the active conformation of the Ctrpeptide in membranes, we have investigated the interaction of Ctr with the negatively charged and zwitterionic membrane-mimetic micelles such as sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) and n-dodecylphosphocholine (DPC), respectively. The interactions were studied using fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. Fluorescence experiments revealed that the N-terminus tryptophan residue of Ctr interacted with the hydrophobic core of the membrane mimicking micelles. The CD results suggest that interactions with membrane-mimetic micelles induce an α-helix conformation in Ctr. Moreover, we have determined the solution structures of Ctr in SDS and DPC micelles using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The structural comparison of Ctr in the presence of SDS and DPC micelles showed significant conformational changes. The observed structural differences of Ctr in anionic versus zwitterionic membrane-mimetic micelles suggest that the mode of interaction of this peptide may be different in two environments which may account for its ability to differentiate bacterial and eukaryotic cell membrane. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Nordic Spirit Mini Smooth Mint Strong


Nordic Spirit Mini Smooth Mint Strong provides a fresh taste experience with fresh menthol and sweet peppermint in mini format.

Weight: 13 grams
Flavour Description: Mint
Nicotine Level: 17 mg/g
Available in single cans, rolls (10 cans)
Manufacturer Nordic Spirit – Nordic Snus

Robotics Team World Champions Thank DATRON

Robotics Team World Champions

After falling to 64th place out of 67 teams in their division, The Iron Panthers (The Burlingame Robotics Team) was slightly discouraged, but they were able to make a glorious comeback, ending in 21st place in the Newton Division competition.

Hard-Fought Battle of Robotics Competition World Champions

DATRON Lends a Hand to Robotics Team

DATRON’s California office was involved with the team, offering their high-speed machining equipment to help them make parts for their robot. Director of Technology, Chris Hopkins reflects, “We were happy to provide the tools these future engineers needed to get the job done and turn their winning design into reality. We congratulate them on their victory and wish each of them great success in the future.”

Above: Short video clip of machining aluminum drive frame parts.

Robotics Champions Give DATRON the Thumbs Up!

The team coach and captains summed up their experience working with DATRON Dynamics in the following thank you note:

“We would like to thank DATRON so much for all the support we have received from you these past few years. Thank you for enabling us to have such a great robot by milling our drive base parts with your incredible machinery. We couldn’t have done this without you. Our team has worked extremely hard to win the final round in the Houston Championships, and we believe that our success is the embodiment of our hard work from your support. The road to winning the FIRST Robotics Competition was not easy, but you have helped our team greatly. Not only does your support allow our team to grow, but also flourish and achieve great things. Without your sponsorship, our team would have never been able to become this successful, and it was your team that enabled our accomplishments to happen.”

Christina Wade – Robotics Coach
Darrion Chen & Katherine Mohr – Captains
The Iron Panthers


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Keyword: wps官网下载

Quality Control For Low-Volume Manufacturing

Gordon Style provides some excellent advice about how to find the right low-volume manufacturer to suit your needs. What to look for on the factory floor, and what questions to ask about their quality control procedures, are essential to getting high quality parts on time. Take a look at the recent article in Design World magazine, an online journal for product design specialists.

Keyword: cnc turning

Happy Tails Summer Garden Teaser & Cat Toys – Frog Friends

Your cat will love wiggling in the garden and batting at the Happy Tails Summer Garden Teaser & Cat Toys Frog Friends!

  • Garden critter characters
  • Extra-long length creates irresistible action
  • Premium North American Catnip extends playtime
  • Suitable for all life stages

Why We Love It:

The Happy Tails Summer Garden Teaser & Cat Toys has an extra-long wand that satisfies hunt and capture instincts. Motion sparks hunting instincts for healthy, active play. The garden gang gives kitties an exciting visual target for pouncing. North American Premium Catnip in the ball boosts mood, to keep kitties playing longer.


Masques Capillaires : Comment Choisir le Meilleur pour Révéler l


Les masques capillaires sont des traitements essentiels pour quiconque souhaite maintenir des cheveux sains et éclatants. Que vos cheveux soient secs, abîmés, fins ou colorés, il existe un masque capillaire qui peut répondre à vos besoins spécifiques. Dans cet article approfondi, nous allons explorer les différents types de masques capillaires, comment choisir le meilleur pour vous, ainsi que des conseils pratiques pour maximiser l’efficacité de ces produits.

Pourquoi Utiliser un Masque Capillaire ?

Les masques capillaires offrent de nombreux avantages qui vont bien au-delà d’un simple soin hydratant. Voici quelques raisons convaincantes d’intégrer un masque capillaire dans votre routine de soins :

  • Hydratation : Les masques capillaires apportent une hydratation intense, ce qui est essentiel pour restaurer l’élasticité et la douceur des cheveux.
  • Réparation : Ils aident à réparer les cheveux abîmés, à réduire les fourches et à prévenir les dommages futurs.
  • Nutrition : Les ingrédients riches en nutriments renforcent la fibre capillaire et améliorent la texture globale des cheveux.
  • Protection : Un bon masque capillaire peut offrir une barrière contre les agressions extérieures comme la pollution, le soleil et la chaleur des outils de coiffage.
  • Amélioration de l’apparence : Un masque régulier peut rendre vos cheveux plus brillants, plus souples et plus faciles à coiffer.

Comment Choisir le Meilleur Masque Capillaire ?

Le choix d’un masque capillaire ne doit pas être pris à la légère. Voici quelques étapes clés pour vous aider à sélectionner le produit idéal :

1. Connaître Votre Type de Cheveux

Comprendre votre type de cheveux est la première étape pour choisir le bon masque. Voici des recommandations selon les différents types de cheveux :

  • Cheveux Secs : Optez pour des masques riches en huiles naturelles comme l’huile de coco, l’huile d’argan ou le beurre de karité. Ces ingrédients aident à réhydrater et à nourrir en profondeur.
  • Cheveux Grasses : Choisissez des masques légers, avec des ingrédients purifiants comme l’argile ou des extraits de plantes qui absorbent l’excès de sébum sans assécher les longueurs.
  • Cheveux Fins : Recherchez des masques volumisants qui ne pèsent pas sur les cheveux. Les formules légères contenant des protéines peuvent aider à renforcer sans alourdir.
  • Cheveux Bouclés : Les masques crémeux riches en humectants comme la glycérine ou le miel aident à définir les boucles tout en réduisant les frisottis.

2. Identifier Vos Besoins Spécifiques

Chaque personne a des besoins uniques en matière de soins capillaires. Voici quelques préoccupations courantes et les masques qui peuvent y répondre :

  • Cheveux Abîmés : Privilégiez les masques réparateurs qui contiennent des protéines et des acides aminés pour renforcer la structure des cheveux.
  • Cheveux Colorés : Optez pour des formules protectrices qui préservent la couleur, souvent enrichies en filtres UV et en antioxydants.
  • Cheveux Frisés : Recherchez des masques hydratants et définisseurs de boucles qui aident à contrôler les frisottis et à apporter de la brillance.
  • Scalp Sensible : Choisissez des masques apaisants contenant des ingrédients comme l’aloès ou l’huile d’arbre à thé pour réduire l’inflammation et les irritations.

Ingrédients à Rechercher

Les ingrédients d’un masque capillaire jouent un rôle crucial dans son efficacité. Voici quelques ingrédients clés à rechercher :

  • Huiles Naturelles : L’huile de coco, l’huile d’argan et l’huile d’avocat sont idéales pour nourrir et hydrater.
  • Beurres : Le beurre de karité et le beurre de cacao offrent une hydratation intense et aident à sceller l’hydratation dans les cheveux.
  • Protéines : La kératine et les protéines de soie renforcent les cheveux et aident à réparer les dommages.
  • Vitamines : La vitamine E et la vitamine B5 sont excellentes pour la santé du cuir chevelu et des cheveux.
  • Extraits de Plantes : Des ingrédients comme l’aloès vera et le thé vert peuvent offrir des propriétés apaisantes et antioxydantes.

Conseils d’Application

Pour maximiser l’efficacité de votre masque capillaire, voici quelques conseils d’application :

  • Fréquence : Utilisez un masque capillaire une fois par semaine pour des résultats optimaux, mais ajustez selon les besoins de vos cheveux.
  • Application : Appliquez le masque sur cheveux propres et humides, en insistant sur les longueurs et les pointes. Évitez d’en mettre sur le cuir chevelu si vous avez des cheveux gras.
  • Temps de Pose : Respectez le temps de pose indiqué sur l’emballage pour maximiser l’efficacité. En général, un masque doit poser entre 10 à 30 minutes.
  • Chaleur : Pour une pénétration plus profonde, couvrez vos cheveux avec un bonnet de douche ou utilisez une source de chaleur douce, comme un sèche-cheveux, pendant quelques minutes.

Les Erreurs Courantes à Éviter

Il est également important de connaître les erreurs courantes lors de l’utilisation de masques capillaires :

  • Utilisation Excessive : Trop de masque peut alourdir les cheveux et les rendre gras. Respectez la fréquence recommandée.
  • Ne Pas Rincer Correctement : Assurez-vous de bien rincer le masque pour éviter les résidus qui peuvent alourdir les cheveux.
  • Ne Pas Tester les Produits : Avant d’appliquer un nouveau masque, effectuez un test sur une petite mèche pour éviter les réactions indésirables.


Choisir le bon masque capillaire peut transformer la santé et l’apparence de vos cheveux. En tenant compte de votre type de cheveux et de vos besoins spécifiques, vous pourrez révéler toute la beauté de votre chevelure. N’oubliez pas d’expérimenter avec différents masques pour trouver celui qui vous convient le mieux. Avec une utilisation régulière et des soins appropriés, vos cheveux seront non seulement beaux, mais également en pleine santé.

Questions Fréquemment Posées

Voici quelques questions courantes concernant les masques capillaires :

  • Quand devrais-je appliquer un masque capillaire ?
    Il est préférable d’appliquer un masque capillaire après votre shampooing, sur des cheveux propres et humides.
  • Combien de temps dois-je laisser le masque sur mes cheveux ?
    Le temps de pose varie selon le produit, mais en général, entre 10 et 30 minutes est recommandé.
  • Puis-je utiliser un masque capillaire tous les jours ?
    Il n’est pas recommandé d’utiliser un masque capillaire tous les jours, car cela peut alourdir les cheveux. Une fois par semaine est généralement suffisant.

En suivant ces conseils et recommandations, vous serez en mesure de choisir le meilleur masque capillaire pour répondre à vos besoins et révéler la beauté de vos cheveux.

H1800 New Concrete Hollow Block Making Machine with Upgraded Hyd

Product Description

H1800 Full Automatic Hydraulic Hydraform Concrete Cement Hollow Block Making Machine
1. Particular storage and description material system insure the feeding accuracy and avoiding the effect of exterior material. So the products have high density.

2. Adopting synchronization vibration insures the products making average. The frequency can change according to different technics. Low frequency in feeding material, high frequency vibration makes the different material to have a optimal vibration way.

The computer is of fault diagnosis system. Warning signal is propitious to eliminate the fault. Combine with long-distance controlling system, it can achieve scrutiny, controlling, diagnosis

3. PLC intelligent control: Man-machine interface, control system equipped with complete logic control, production program, malfunction diagnosis system and remote control function. So it doesn’t need a professional person but only need a simple training to the operator.

4. It produces various bricks/blocks including color-face bricks (layered material feeding),through-body tiles,lock linkage blocks, road curb bricks, hydraulic blocks,hollow blocks, perforated bricks, and standard bricks etc.

Technical Parameter

Model H1800
Host Machine Size 5800x1960x3100mm
Pallet Size 960x850mm
Vibration form Platform vibration
Vibration frequency 3000-5200r/min
Molding Time 15-20s
Host machine power 55.5Kw


Product Advantages

Block Sample

Our Customer


If you want to know more details about concrete block machine, please feel free to contact me. 


Rose Variety i2i – Intermediate Hybrid Tea Roses


This time we are testing the rose ‘i2i’ in our flower test, this is a new variety of Bloomingdale Roses.


  • Name: i2i
  • Colour: Cerise / Purple
  • Grower: Bloomingdale Roses
  • Country: Kenya
  • Length: 70cm 

First Impression:

This is a complete new variety, the colour is pink on the inside and a little bit more purple/cerise on the outside.

The bud feels hard and they have a lot of thorns.

At first sight it’s a beautiful rose but I would be surprised when they open up. 

After 7 days:

It’s a beautiful and strong rose but just a few opened up, the rest just stay the way I bought them as you can see in the picture. (The rose on the right stayed completely closed)

After 10 days:

They are still there but it doesn’t look like they’re going to change a lot more, I think they are asleep.


It’s a beautiful rose and I would say they’re just ok.

It’s not really an eyecatcher, they won’t open up very easy and they have a lot of thorns.

But the colour is nice and althought there are just a few in a bunch which will change during the week they will last 7-10 days.

Positive Points:

  • Beautiful bright colour
  • Strong rose 
  • Their vaselife is just fine with 7-10 days

Negative Points

  •  Not a real special rose or an eyecatcher
  • A lot of thorns
  • 40% didn’t open up

Keyword: flower trade