Advantages of rapid tooling and low-volume injection molding

What is on-demand rapid tooling and low-volume molding?

From the dashboard of your car to the lid of your coffee cup, billions upon billions of everyday objects are brought into the world by molding, a process in which a hollow container is filled with a molten material to produce large numbers of a single object.

Since molding allows multiple copies of a single product to be produced, it is usually associated with mass manufacturing. However, with new digital manufacturing technologies like additive manufacturing (3D printing) and CNC machining, it is now possible to create a kind of prototype mold in an extremely short space of time. This process is known as rapid tooling.

While molds created via rapid tooling are not usually used for the mass production of objects, they can still be used to produce many copies of a single item. For this reason, low-volume molding — the creation of small quantities of molded products — is often carried out in conjunction with rapid tooling, giving customers a batch of a prototype product rather than just a single copy.

The advantages of rapid prototyping and low-volume molding are numerous. What follows is an overview of some of the key benefits of the two related processes.

Advantages of rapid tooling and low-volume molding

One of the biggest advantages of rapid tooling is right there in the name: speed. Since digital manufacturing technologies like additive manufacturing and CNC machining can be used to create molds in a very short space of time, rapid tooling service providers can offer fast turnarounds on products made with those molds. For businesses, that means getting hold of products faster and getting them to market sooner.

There are also big cost advantages to rapid tooling. Since the bulk of the process involves just a computer and an automated machine like a 3D printer, rapid tooling ends up being far cheaper than traditional toolmaking, with cost savings passed on to the customer. This results in affordable molded products even in low volumes.

Besides time and cost savings, there are other more specific benefits to rapid tooling and low-volume molding, some of which relate to the digital manufacturing processes used to create the molds. Since CAD is used to create the mold, manufacturers can ensure consistency across several molds by simply reusing the same digital file. Digitally creating these tools also allows for easy optimization of cooling channels and other features, and for quick modifications on future molds.

On-demand rapid tooling and low-volume molding is also, for several reasons, an effective precursor to mass manufacturing a product.

For one, rapid tooling can be used to mold products in a range of materials, and since the molds can be produced extremely quickly, manufacturers can make small quantities of a product in different materials and finishes, helping the customer decide on the ideal configuration for their product.

Secondly, such prototype molds are useful for bridge production, when, for example, a customer needs to get the first batch of products to market before regular tooling has been completed. Low-volume molding of a product can also help a customer iron out any previously unnoticed flaws in a product before moving on to mass production.

On-demand rapid tooling and low-volume molding with 3ERP

With many years of experience in the rapid prototyping industry, China’s 3ERP is an expert in rapid tooling and low-volume molding, possessing both the skills and equipment to reap the advantages of the processes.

In terms of its rapid tooling capabilities, 3ERP is able to offer two metal options: aluminum mold tooling, which is highly cost-effective and suitable for prototypes, and steel mold tooling, which can be used with abrasive, corrosive, and engineering-grade plastics and which can be used to make millions of molded parts — ideal for bridge production. Molds can be made according to DME, HASCO and LKM standards.

Those metal mold options are, however, just the start of the material possibilities offered by 3ERP. When the molds are ready for use, customers are provided with significant flexibility in the ensuing low-volume molding stage.

Molded products can be made from a wide range of plastics, including nylons, polycarbonates and thermoplastic elastomers, and are available in a large number of colors and finishes, including laser finishing and heat staking.

Best of all, customers around the world can expect their prototype molded parts in as little as 15 days. Get in touch with 3ERP to see if its rapid tooling and low-volume molding services are suitable for your needs.

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New Lock 2012新款的dior手袋

2012巴黎名品迪奥官网新品发布会,一款经典羊皮滕格纹Dior包包 New Lock系列新款迪奥手袋出现在摄影师的镜头下,光鲜亮丽的法国名模,光彩夺目的耀眼金属,包括经典滕格纹羊皮、鳄鱼皮、蟒蛇皮等特殊材质及独特图案在内的New Lock新款dior包包,搭配金属链条肩带装饰,这次dior官网挑选了8090后女生最有代表性名模Ad Campaign出镜演绎迪奥官网全新的产品 New Lock dior手袋。

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LESHOW MOSCOW: the trade show

The world famous Winter fashion fair LeShow Moscow has been held annually since 1997 and is one of the 5 professional exhibitions in the leather and fur sector. The high authority of the exhibition is confirmed by the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry UFI — the highest quality mark of an exhibition event.  

Istanbul I Modest Fashion Week 2024

Istanbul I Modest Fashion Week : the trade show

Event profile Istanbul I Modest Fashion Week

  • Industries: Menswear, Moda Donna, Fashion designers, Fashion catwalks, Fashion
  • Frequency: anual
  • Scope: Internacional

Next edition Istanbul I Modest Fashion Week

  • From Thursday 25 to Saturday 27 April 2024
  • Venue:

  • City: Istanbul
  • Country: Turkey
  • More info.:

Istanbul I Modest Fashion Week editions

Istanbul I Modest Fashion Week 2024 From 25 to 27 April 2024 Fişekhane-Gallery

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Cultivation of Dendrobium By SmallHolder Farmers in Kenya

Dendrobiums are cool as well as warm loving orchid and is sympodial in habit and epiphytes in habitat. They are native to South East Asia and South Asia but are also found in other parts of the world.

Dendrobiums are commercially cultivated both for potted flowering plants and cut flowers. This genus have both evergreen and deciduous types and is characterized by flower spike emerging from the new growth and old canes respectively.

The general cultivation technique is similar in all orchids (preferred temperature and high humidity). It can be cultivated in a pot or can be planted in the ground with modified media with good drainage. Potted plants or plants planted in the modified media in the ground can be kept under shade net to prevent injury by direct sun light.

Dendrobiums can be propagated by seeds, division, cuttings or separation of adventitious growths (kiekies) and micro propagation. The most common being division or cuttings at domestic scale and micro propagation for commercial scale. The popular media used for growing Dendrobiums are a mixture of brick bits, charcoals, coconut
husks, bark chips or stones.

The most important thing is the media needs to be porous, aerated, well drained and slightly acidic (pH 5.0). Prior to use of the media, it is recommended to fumigate with Sylvox (Hydrogen peroxide with nano silver) at 2-3ml/L. After transplanting, irrigation should be given but the media needs to dry between the intervals; irrigation needs to be done more frequently during the summer months.

Dendrobium performs well with 20:10:10 NPK at 0.1% (1g/L water) foliar application at fortnightly interval during the vegetative growth phase in the first year. However, second year onwards nutrition application is based on growth, flower bud initiation or flowering stage.

Dendrobium Orchids Available


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Granville波士頓包 甜美的新色dior包包亮相

Granville 甜美的新色亮相,可爱的女生们是不是对美美的桃红色dior包包一见钟情呢?美丽包包又出了如此经典的新款,新色的迪奥包包Granville 波士頓包,容量极大,提花內襯。包包外形设计是不是与圆桶形的lv sp圆桶手袋、gucci圆桶包款有几分相似之处呢,的确如此,这种经典的圆桶包款,似乎每个品牌都有一款,充满时尚与休闲气息,你更爱哪个品牌的时尚价格圆桶形美包呢?包包内里设计与prada包包有几分相似之处,尽管包包开口处没有设置拉链开合,但是圆桶的Granville 甜美新包,实用与体验性更完美,因为不只是方便随时取放包包中的物品以外,包包中间有一层拉链开合的隐秘袋,所以重要的东西都可以放到这里哦,体验性更好的dior迪奥包包,莫过于分门别类的把随身物品安排好,随里随地举止分明,干脆得体不才是专属于美美的你的女人气质,你 1個中央口袋。

经典Granville系列甜美的dior包包可手提也以可斜跨搭配,实用又好搭配的款式,及时髦又休闲,不论你是职业女郎还是都市潮女,这款Granville系列的dior包包都是不错的选择,包包亮点绝不亚于戴妃包,经典dior元素D.i.o.r.银色金属字母配饰点亮女士的时尚魅力,Granville系列的dior包包有三个尺寸35与33公分,另有多种颜色可以选择,如桃红色、红色、蓝色、黑色、杏色等款式,Granville系列dior包包品质非常完美,凸出的藤格纹图案设计更是独一无二的华丽,美丽包包进口原版皮质地,细节一定完美,包包配有专柜一样的礼品盒等包装与配件,美丽包包 香奈儿包包、dior包包等品牌名包可以发美国、欧洲、韩国、新加波等多个国家与地区。

【尺寸】小号:尺寸约为:长度26cm,高度21cm,厚度15cm,手柄高度13cm,模特身高166cm ; 中号:长33cm 高20cm 底宽20cm、大号:长37cm 高23cm 底宽22cm;

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Baron Kiwi


Baron Kiwi – New flavour! They do not stain teeth and here with a sweet kiwi aroma and taste.  Baron products have an exclusive, sophisticated design and quality.

Nicotine: 15 mg/g
Flavour: Kiwi
Pouches: 15 / can
Texture: moist
Available in: single cans, rolls (10 cans)
Manufacturer: UNISOIL

Keyword: nicotine pouches