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Granville波士頓包 甜美的新色dior包包亮相

Granville 甜美的新色亮相,可爱的女生们是不是对美美的桃红色dior包包一见钟情呢?美丽包包又出了如此经典的新款,新色的迪奥包包Granville 波士頓包,容量极大,提花內襯。包包外形设计是不是与圆桶形的lv sp圆桶手袋、gucci圆桶包款有几分相似之处呢,的确如此,这种经典的圆桶包款,似乎每个品牌都有一款,充满时尚与休闲气息,你更爱哪个品牌的时尚价格圆桶形美包呢?包包内里设计与prada包包有几分相似之处,尽管包包开口处没有设置拉链开合,但是圆桶的Granville 甜美新包,实用与体验性更完美,因为不只是方便随时取放包包中的物品以外,包包中间有一层拉链开合的隐秘袋,所以重要的东西都可以放到这里哦,体验性更好的dior迪奥包包,莫过于分门别类的把随身物品安排好,随里随地举止分明,干脆得体不才是专属于美美的你的女人气质,你 1個中央口袋。

经典Granville系列甜美的dior包包可手提也以可斜跨搭配,实用又好搭配的款式,及时髦又休闲,不论你是职业女郎还是都市潮女,这款Granville系列的dior包包都是不错的选择,包包亮点绝不亚于戴妃包,经典dior元素D.i.o.r.银色金属字母配饰点亮女士的时尚魅力,Granville系列的dior包包有三个尺寸35与33公分,另有多种颜色可以选择,如桃红色、红色、蓝色、黑色、杏色等款式,Granville系列dior包包品质非常完美,凸出的藤格纹图案设计更是独一无二的华丽,美丽包包进口原版皮质地,细节一定完美,包包配有专柜一样的礼品盒等包装与配件,美丽包包https://meilibaobao.com 香奈儿包包、dior包包等品牌名包可以发美国、欧洲、韩国、新加波等多个国家与地区。

【尺寸】小号:尺寸约为:长度26cm,高度21cm,厚度15cm,手柄高度13cm,模特身高166cm ; 中号:长33cm 高20cm 底宽20cm、大号:长37cm 高23cm 底宽22cm;

Keyword: mini凯莉二代

卡里克-琼斯拒绝多支NBA球队 加盟欧联&曾战美国队砍三双





Keyword: NBA 直播

Baron Kiwi


Baron Kiwi – New flavour! They do not stain teeth and here with a sweet kiwi aroma and taste.  Baron products have an exclusive, sophisticated design and quality.

Nicotine: 15 mg/g
Flavour: Kiwi
Pouches: 15 / can
Texture: moist
Available in: single cans, rolls (10 cans)
Manufacturer: UNISOIL

Keyword: nicotine pouches

Après Cactus Lime No.6


Après Cactus Lime No.6 – Pop the lid and you immediately feel the wonderful, sweet scent. Place under your lip and you have a long-lasting experience of fresh Cactus mixed with Lime that comes in a mellow slim pouch that fits perfect under your lip.

Aprés products and packaging are made from plant-based materials.

Nicotine: 10 mg/g
Flavour: Cactus, Lime
Pouches: 20 / can
Pouch size: Slim
Texture: Moist
Available in: Single cans, Rolls (10 cans)
Manufacturer: Après Nicotine AB

8 Things Your Photographer Wants You to Know (But Won’t Tell You

8 Things Your Photographer Wants You to Know (But Won’t Tell You to Your Face) | Flower Moxie

Written by: Amy McCord Jones

Photo courtesy Ely Fair Photography

Welcome to the debut of our vendor spotlight series, where we share insider tips from seasoned wedding vendors.

We’re starting with the MOST IMPORTANT vendor of them all: No, not your waxer! Your photographer.

As much as I want to think my job is the most crucial, photogs got me beat.* I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen my brides spend thousands on all the Pinterest details only to skimp on the photographer and hand off the job to their ‘up-and-coming’ cousin. No one wants bad angles and blurry portraits on their $30k day. Get my back fat in the good light, son!

*At least my job is the best smelling.

Elyse Fair is an incredible OKC-based photographer in Oklahoma City, and is the visionary behind Ely Fair Photography. Her work has been featured in Vogue, Martha Stewart Weddings, Style Me Pretty, Southern Weddings, Brides of Oklahoma, Southern Living, and more. I sat down with her to get her hot take on 8 things she wants prospective clients to know:

1. Editing Expectations

On one hand, we have Aerie and Dove redefining beauty, and on the other I still want my double-chin 86’d. What level of editing is reasonable to expect in all our pictures, Ely?  

“Managed expectations are the key to happiness, right?? So when it comes to getting your photos, knowing what type of edits to expect is a good idea. Now, every photographer is different in their approach so it would be a good idea to ask what type of edits you can expect. That said, it’s unrealistic to think every photo will be ‘vanity-edited’.  

Our basic rule of thumb is that every photo is edited, meaning that it has been color and contrast corrected. All photos are given some loving care to make sure the image itself is the best possible.

The next tier of editing is beauty editing; I do beauty editing on portraits, and then a handful of other shots that I know are spectacular and frame worthy. Let’s say that you have a zit, or a couple of flyaway hairs, bags under eyes – I’ll help you out with those on the portrait images. Simple and basic fixes, things that are not normally part of you that happen to pop up on wedding day.

The next level of editing is what I call vanity editing. Think Kylie Jenner type editing – making you more skinny, removing double chins, editing things in the background, etc. These edits take a lot of specialized skill and time, and are not a realistic expectation for every photo in your gallery. However, requesting a few extensive edits on a handful of your favorites wouldn’t make us mad. We want you to feel beautiful and love your images!”

2. Lighting is Bae

Photo courtesy Ely Fair Photography

Let’s journey back to my cousin’s wedding in 1992. I wore a lavender dress with loofah-floof sleeves and cheesed for the photographer in a dark church basement. Though the experience was lacking, the photos turned out surprisingly decent thanks to an arsenal of lighting equipment. Given most weddings of today do not allow for technical lighting, Ely shares some tips on how to maximize natural light.

“If photography is high on your list of important things, you will want to base the timing of your wedding (or when the bulk of your wedding photos will be taken) around when the light will be nice. The best light for photography is typically the hour before the sun goes down. Naturally, this can be tricky during different times of the year so consider first look during winter months or carving out time between the ceremony and reception during summer months”


3. Pinterest Boards are NOT Holy Grails

Probably the most disheartening thing you can do to a photographer is bombard them with specific images they need to ‘recreate’. Tell us why, Ely.

“I find that I don’t shoot as well at a wedding when a bride wants us to recreate specific shots. The first thing it does is makes us feel like you don’t trust us. But the main thing is that it disrupts our normal work method because I have to refer to those images instead of noticing the natural movements and flow of the day and making choices based on that.

In a technical sense, there are so many things that go into a photograph than just a specific pose. So many factors impact photos such as time of day, location, color palettes, the season, intensity of light, skin complextions, type of dress, and a lot more. Even if I try to recreate the photograph, it will still be completely different. But with all that said, it’s helpful to see images, especially of my own work, to see what is attractive to them and what feelings are most important to them that day. But there’s a difference between ‘copy this’ and ‘inspo’.”

4. Bridesmaids: Less is More (GASP!)

Photo courtesy Ely Fair Photography

As a veteran wedding planner, I 1000% agree with this statement. I’ve done over 700 weddings across 12 years and I can only think of a few times where a gaggle of girls was actually supportive and non-drama causing.

Ely says, “People are not going to like this, but I think more than 5-6 bridesmaids is too many. This is not a hard rule of thumb, but I tend to find that weddings that have more than 6 bridesmaids add more stress to the day than joy.

Reason being, 6 logistically takes more time, the ‘getting ready’ spaces are always a wreck and chaotic, and I ALWAYS hear people complaining about other people. So and so is running late, so and so hasn’t been helping with this, so the photos are less intimate.

At my own wedding, I had 7 bridesmaids, and looking back at it I should have had 3. There were only three that really made a difference being there and everyone else was kind of doing their own thing.”

Photo courtesy Ely Fair Photography

5. If You Dig the Details, Add the Time

As a florist and stylist, I can say with complete accuracy that those fun ‘detail’ shots take fo-eva. The ribbon doesn’t magically lay right, those fancy wedding shoes are scuffed, it’s hard to get those rings to perch inside a garden rose and CRAP – the dog ate the moss ball. Everything is doable, though, if you allot enough time.

Ely says, “I got married over 10 years ago, and I often think to myself that I am SO glad that I got married before the era of wedding blogs and Pinterest. Although I LOVE all the special things that people do nowadays, I also think it must be exhausting to feel like you’re competing for every little perfect detail to be unique.

As an artist I really love getting to do full coverage of a wedding with lay flat photos of all the little thoughtful details/invites/florals BUT they are a huge time sucker. You would be shocked at how difficult it is to do a beautiful lay flat of an invite. So if you want specialized photos of your detail shots, you might think about adding an hour to 1.5 before wedding coverage for the photographer to style. Or hire a stylist that will work with the photographer to make that process go more expertly.”

6. Your Wedding Isn’t Going to Look Like a Styled Shoot

Photo courtesy Ely Fair Photography

AMEN! (Raising hands up Pentecostal-style!) I love a good styled-shoot but they’re completely unrealistic and not scalable without a hefty celebrity budget. Styled shoots serve the vendors by helping to get them published, building up their portfolio/brand, and flexing artistic muscles. What say you, Ely?

“Styled shoots are all over the place and give an unrealistic impression of what a wedding can be. To do a wedding that involves three plate settings, custom name plates, crystal flutes, and individual wedding cakes would be an astronomical cost. Unless you’re having a super small intimate wedding or you’re marrying Nick Jonas, the average bride can not afford a wedding that looks like a styled shoot.

Instead, reduce the ‘perfect’ deets to the head or sweetheart table. You’ll still feel good about having something custom and special, but it leaves more budget for doing things like having a cool getaway car, or an impressive floral installation.”

7. You Don’t Need a Photographer for the Whole Reception

Yup, another truth. After the cake is cut, toasts are given, and the dances have wrapped they could bounce and you wouldn’t miss anything. Plus everyone likely has wine spilled on their bodices by now.

Ely says, “So I’m probably being a bad business person, but you don’t need to hire me for every second of your wedding day. I often talk about how aside from the reception events like the dances, speeches, cake cutting, we could probably get all the dancing pics we would need to edit in 3 good songs because group dancing shots are not the ones that you will likely cherish and hang on your wall (or album). And sure, you probably want the ‘we’re leaving the wedding’ picture so let’s do that after the ceremony because it will be filled with non-boozy guests, lighting will be far better, and your make-up and hair will still be on point.”

Photo courtesy Ely Fair Photography

8. Feed Us Good Food

Sweet baby Jesus, she’s really preaching truth now! I can’t tell you how rudey-rude it is when a client looks at me and says, “Do I have to feed you?” Yes, Brenda, I actually need to eat something after being on my feet for the past 12 hours and Lord knows I can’t make a Taco Bell run mid-reception.  

Ely agrees, “Consider giving your vendors the same meal that you are serving your guests. We don’t need a seat at a table (actually please don’t give us one, we would rather wolf down our food in a closet) but your vendors work suuuper hard for you at your wedding, and we need 15 minutes to take a break and replenish some calories for energy to carry on.

I remember crying at a wedding when I was big and pregnant because I wasn’t given the guest-provided meal but rather a lunch meat sandwich that I was not allowed to consume while pregnant.

Also, I’m just gonna throw this out there: when your photographer feels like you’ve taken care of and valued them, they’re much more likely to take the extra time to edit that bit of arm fat rather than just chalking it up to that’s how you looked that day. Just being real here.”

There you have it, 8 hard truths from a seasoned wedding photographer. No vendor will say these things to your face but they sure are great to know! Did any of these tips surprise you? Will you approach your wedding photographer in a different light now that you’re in-the-know? Let us know in the comments! Ely, thank you so much for sharing these fantastic tips with us!

Pin it for later!

About the Author

Amy is the founder of Flower Moxie and our fearless leader! When she’s not waist-deep in flowers you can catch her snuggling her adorable dog Smithers, adverturing with her hubby, or painting in her home studio.

A Shift in Gold Demand Trends

Click:basketball court light pole

We have seen an interesting shift in gold demand from Q1 2019 to Q1 2020.

Due to the coronavirus crisis, jewelry demand dropped 39% y-o-y to a record low of 325.8 tons. This drop was counterbalanced by the surge of gold-backed ETFs demand from 42.9 tons to 298 tons.

Overall, the global gold demand for Q1 2020 only increased +1% y-o-y to reach 1,083.8 tons.

It's going to be essential to watch for Q2 if jewelry demand shoots back up with the reopening of the economy and if gold-backed ETFs demand remains strong…

5 Signs A Florist can Use to find a Supplier in a Flower Trade S

Click:18mL of Vape 9000puffs

Florist Supplier in a Flower Tradeshow

Are you a florist retailer and looking to change your flowers supplier in a flower trade show? Or a new florist and looking for a flower supplier in a flower trade show? Then you have four things you should consider before making this move.

What are the best qualities for a flower supplier?

  1. Easy to reach

Best flower suppliers are easy to reach their hours of operation are not that limited. This is a quality you should check before you choose your supplier. Even it will be great for you if the supplier has a website that has online ordering and round the clock customer support. Also, consider what different ways of getting in touch are the supplier offering for either an inquiry or placing an order.

  1. Fast delivery

Find out and make sure you understand the delivery system, how long does it take to deliver flowers to your flower shop. Also get a clarification of the days of delivery is it from the day flowers are cut or from the day they arrive at the supplier packing facility.

  1. Varieties of flowers

The third thing that as a florist to consider is the number of varieties the supplier is offering. Your customers, pick of flower changes with seasons, occasions, budget and other variables. Therefore, you should make a decision on how will my supplier able to adapt to this change.

  1. Growers or Partner with the growers

You should find out is the supplier growing the flowers or have they partnered with the growers

A supplier who is growing or partnered with the grower guarantees you that the flowers you will receive are always fresh.

  1. Processing facilities

You should also take to account what kind of processing facilities do the supplier has? Flower arriving from the farm to the supplier needs to be processed quickly in a climate controlled environment that can preserve their freshness and also extend their life.  So the supplier needs to be operating a state of art refrigerated warehouse.

With this tips, you will be able to choose a supplier in no time

How to avoid abrasion when ceramic grinding balls are added to t

After some customers add ceramic balls to the ball mill, they will find that many balls are broken.How is this? Why is this happening? Follow me to see the following two points, have you done it?

1. Should add material first, then add grinding ball

When the ceramic grinding ball is loaded into the ball mill, lifting and unloading should be adopted to avoid directly pouring in like free fall. Because the drop of the mill is more than 1.5 meters, the ceramic grinding ball discharged into the ball mill will form a larger impact force, resulting in different degrees of micro-cracks in the grinding ball, affecting the service life.

It is best to add a certain amount of material in the empty warehouse first, in order to ease the impact of unloading drop, to prevent the ceramic grinding ball drop damage.

2.When the ball mill is running, it cannot contain only grinding balls without material

Ball mill before starting, should first add materials (according to the needs of the process), strictly prohibit the ball mill in no material under the condition of idling. Ceramic grinding ball in the ball mill without material in the situation of running, they collide with each other and the ball and liner between the powerful impact force, easy to make the ball produce fine cracks and the formation of surface pits, thus affecting the service life of the ball.

Therefore, if we add ceramic balls to the ball mill, we should do a good job of preparation, and pay attention to the operation, so as to reduce the crushing of the grinding ball, and damage to the machine.

Keyword: ceramic balls